Raphael Günther
{K:586} 1/24/2005
A D70 would be a nice tool. DSLRs are some levels above when image-taking. Wait for PMA to come, Nikon might release new stuff. Canon is also about to replace the 300D. I have read that megapixel myth article many times. It's not 100% true, but very interesting. I am still to enlarge some of my pictures to 2 x 3 meters...
Mark Mahar
{K:3233} 1/21/2005
I've had a lot of diffent Digital point and shoot models. Currently using the Sony Dsc-s75 which is more of a photographer's camera. At 3.2mp it takes better pictures than many 5mp models. Probably half my images here are digital , some shot with very lo-rez cameras. I'm hoping to buy a Nikon D70 very soon. Read Ken Rockwell's "The megapixel myth" at http://www.kenrockwell.com/tech/mpmyth.htm to see why pure pixel count is meaningless. I like your stuff also, plan on visiting soon to comment. -mm
Raphael Günther
{K:586} 1/21/2005
You have a very nice gallery. Any digital camera on the way? :-)
George Black
{K:102014} 1/20/2005
A beautiful shot, Mark. The amazing tonal variety is perfect for this very good composition. What a sight! Regards, --George
George Black
{K:102014} 1/20/2005
A beautiful shot, Mark. The amazing tonal variety is perfect for this very good composition. What a sight! Regards, --George