Kristina Kohut
{K:49990} 1/31/2005
What a lovely capture! The light is very interesting, and the deers look beautiful! I prefer the colour version.
Ursula Luschnig
{K:21723} 1/25/2005
Dear Ozjan,great work ,what you have done...I love it! Thank you so much :) Cheers,Ursula
Ozjan Yeshar
{K:15239} 1/25/2005
A superb relaxing shot my dear friend. I just played a little with light to present the shade here. I hope you like it. Cheers Ursula.
 For: Ursula |
Chris Nichols
{K:7068} 1/25/2005
Very nice! Great mood created here.
Uwe Bachmann
{K:10222} 1/25/2005
ich oute mich auch mal als jemand, dem die s/w-version mehr zusagt...;-). wie du schon selbst geschrieben hast, es ist sehr stimmungsabhängig wobei ich damit nicht sagen will, dass s/w immer auf trübsinn oder sowas hindeuten muss...;-)
lg, uwe
Zeev Scharf
{K:25603} 1/24/2005
Excellent shot Ursula,great lighting which adds alot to the atmosphere here,superb long shadows Many thanks for commenting "Winter lover" best regards
Ian McIntosh
{K:42997} 1/24/2005
for some reason to do this black and white I'd think of cropping the foreground a bit. Nice real evening tones.
Saeed Al Shamsi
{K:47735} 1/24/2005
So cute,I think having sunbath,after cold night.Beautiful capture.Saeed
Antonia BauerleinSehnert
{K:30599} 1/20/2005
Since this is so much about the contrasting light on the deer, I think I prefer the BW...simplifies things for me. Sweet repose. T.
Riny Koopman
{K:19998} 1/20/2005
A vision of beauty..Thank you Ursula. Riny.
James Bambery
{K:13421} 1/20/2005
Beautiful late afternoon shot Ursula. I love the shdows and the sun highlights on the deers backs.
Jim Bambery
Jeff Cartwright
{K:52046} 1/20/2005
Well the Photograph...is a Little Dark...But a Natural Capture...Showing the Deer at Rest!!! Jeff.
Never Mind,,,Ursula!...Spring is Yet to Come! Thank you, for your Comment, as Always!!! Jeff.
Ursula Luschnig
{K:21723} 1/19/2005
Thanks Kita..you are very kind :))) I bought it in a fashion shop in Munich ...strange enough..they sold it as gag.Must look at the site tomorrow... Ursula
Di Ciuccio Maurizio
{K:57398} 1/19/2005
fantastic view for beatifull photo..excellent shadows and light..i like the magic capture...beauty for bw tone..hello a soon my dear
{K:3499} 1/19/2005
I think this version is excelletn, colors are great. Cant help thinking of an clock by sun (watch the direct englisch wordth for such an device?), great work!!
Regards K.
Just seen the b&w version, i deffianatly prefer the color
Thilo Bayer
{K:50358} 1/19/2005
Hi Ursula,
ein bild mit wirklich enormen Kontrasten. ich würde die erste version nehmen, um noch etwas details zu "retten".
hoffentlich bis bald,
kita mcintosh
{K:18594} 1/19/2005
very lovely. the light kissing them gently is exquisite! there is a slo a site called www.lomography.com and another www.thetoycamera.com (or similar)
Subhash Sen
{K:11931} 1/19/2005
Take care & have a nice time,will miss your comments but hope to see some fantastic images soon ,love,Subhash.Forgot this image looks very peaceful ,Subhash.
Subhash Sen
{K:11931} 1/19/2005
Take care & have a nice time,will miss your comments but hope to see some fantastic images soon ,love,Subhash.Forgot this image looks very peaceful ,Subhash.
Bradley Prue
{K:30678} 1/19/2005
I love the tones here, Ursula! The dark colors and moody shadows add such peace and quiet to the already resting deer....great composition. Hope all is ok, and that you aren't gone long....I will miss your wonderful work, and your welcome insight. Cheers, my friend! ...Brad
Subata Kitano
{K:2717} 1/18/2005
well deers are too dark. The photo maybe nice artistically, but the poor deers they seem that they do not belong in the frame. Something like the extras in a movie. I prefer the bw ...but again the contrast is too much.
Orazio Minnella
{K:49417} 1/18/2005
Excellent capture with beautiful colors and light. regards
Burak Tanriover
{K:16610} 1/18/2005
I like the backlighting.I would prefer the colored one. best regards
Roberto Carli
{K:13689} 1/18/2005
Perhaps like more B/W version,but works well the colours too,congrats!!!
Ursula Luschnig
{K:21723} 1/18/2005
Here is the bw version...which one do you think..
