Simple, but creative. The tonal range is nice, and I like how organic this feels - nails, rope and all. I'm not especially sure how I feel about the composition, however. While it is by no means poor, I wonder about the large, lighter-toned area below the nails and about the vertical shadow in the middle-right, which makes the comparitively light area to the right of it stand out more. The former is a mixed blessing in that it draws the eyes to general area of the nails better, but perhaps extends too far below them?
Attached is a cropped version to reduce these distractions (in the case of the shadow, by changing its significance), and I realize it's a fairly significant change from the original. Please note that I find the elements in question to be very minor gripes, and I'm not at all sure whether or not I personally prefer the cropped version. But, hey, if my suggestions have any merit at all, then I'm doing my job critiquing this image, right? :)