Dina Marie
{K:-1410} 1/1/2006
amen! been there - done that! you have a nice portfolio !
Bryan Miller
{K:3395} 4/21/2005
Andrea - just caught this comment. too funny and I know the feeling quite well :)
Andrea Harris
{K:2496} 3/23/2005
Great! Wanna come get a photo when I'm putting my 21-month-old in the grocery cart at the store - lol! Same expression, just louder :) Super photo! Very true.
Tiffany Hix
{K:5012} 2/22/2005
You are exactly right!! Perfectly captured, great expressions and light!
Bryan Miller
{K:3395} 1/11/2005
Thank you Pat.
Pat Fruen
{K:12076} 1/11/2005
It sure is. Love the natural feeling and both of their expressions. I love these type of everyday photos...this one is very well done.
David Hofmann
{K:22223} 1/10/2005
That is pure documentary from an every day life with kids :) Nice composition, too. Is it your wife and boy?
Kiarang Alaei
{K:49415} 1/10/2005
you are a real father, i honor you in photography and life both! you are success in reflect your feelings , this is so splendid and unique.
Bryan Miller
{K:3395} 1/10/2005
Thank you kiarang. I am a father and every day I observe life with children. Sometimes it is tempting to only cherish the good times and maybe only remember the fun of being a parent. But that is not the entire story of parenthood. Being a parent requires patience and work --- it can also be difficult at times --- not always so perfect. I was hoping to capture those feelings with fotos. Thank you again.
Pawel Sadowski
{K:288} 1/10/2005
yup, lights, dof are ok, like it.
Kiarang Alaei
{K:49415} 1/10/2005
Bryan! capturing real senses of life is realy hard, i know that how it is difficult to catch real real moments of life, it's realy a great shot, an unique one, because mother is mother, 7 the child is child. they are living in front of the camera. more than DOF, more than expose, more than composition & more than all technical elements of this shot, it is the intimate moment you were success in capturing...nice done, bravo!
Lukasz Kuczkowski
{K:14687} 1/10/2005
just wonderful; like thier face expressions; well done
Michele Berti
{K:14921} 1/10/2005
reallt nice!
Blaine MacDonald
{K:610} 1/10/2005
wow, great expressions , excellent title