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suicide remains
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Image Title:  suicide remains
Favorites: 1 
 By: Ascensions Studio  
  Copyright ©2005

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Photographer  Ascensions Studio {Karma:37}
Project #21 Alone Camera Model Sony f717
Categories Digital
Film Format
Portfolio Lens 58mm
Uploaded 1/5/2005 Film / Memory Type 256 magic gate
    ISO / Film Speed 0
Views 459 Shutter
Favorites Aperture f/
Critiques 13 Rating
/ 5 Ratings
Location City - 
State - 
Country - United States   United States
About "However great a man's fear of life, suicide remains the courageous act, the clear-headed act of a mathematician. The suicide has judged by the laws of chance -- so many odds against one that to live will be more miserable than to die. His sense of mathematics is greater than his sense of survival. But think how a sense of survival must clamor to be heard at the last moment, what excuses it must present of a totally unscientific nature."

Graham Greene
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There are 13 Comments in 1 Pages
in time   {K:3} 2/27/2005
so many people would be better off if you did follow through with it


G G G G   {K:61359} 1/6/2005
Wow what a powerful shot!! Excellent


Ascensions Studio   {K:37} 1/5/2005
Not everyone feels that way ? did every think the opposite, I have! That?s why there is a label called DNR letting go someone suffering is not wrong and it?s selfish to keep
Them in that state / so why is it different when you can swim better than I, that I have
to suffer breathing in the water that I / me think is polluted and you just being able to stay on top and swim forever. I will just drown anyways. I'm not going to do this it's a film I am working on - It's also Addictions every bad habit and dealing with it.
there are so many.


Ascensions Studio   {K:37} 1/5/2005
Every ones is consist in different emotions there are not any two humans that are the same. Sample If I did something not every one is going to act the same way about it.
Not every one can be strong so the weakness flows in our heads.
I don?t think it?s being a coward only because I tried it when I was 13.
I told the physiologist I failed at because I was it would hurt. My physiologist
told my parents that this situation with your 13 yr old is disturbing. Your child should be
playing with the other kids and the hormones she be going as well ? NOT SUSCIDE.
I have a communication issue but as being 13 I was holding so much stuff and
It can shock you. I can only imagine others that carry that weight of not wanting
to carry it anymore. It just depends JMO


Margaret Sturgess   {K:49403} 1/5/2005
Very powerful and moving image, as someone involved in counselling, I would say as others have - there are many reasons, within and beyond our control that shape our destiny.


Donald Hanson   {K:460} 1/5/2005
I have to agree...Very Powerful! I used to think suicide was a cowards way out also. But I lost a very dear nephew a year ago and he had the world by the ass. Great job, great house, Super great personality. He'd light up the whole room whenever he entered with his boyish charm. He had two great kids 7 and 5 and adored them. No issues anyone could see. He was fighting these demons for 15 years and had been in and out of therepy all that while we found out later. HE WAS NOT A COWARD...just something in his make-up that the rest of us are fortunate enough not to have to deal with day after day.

Anyhow, Great pic and emotionial story..7++ from me.


Judi Liosatos Judi Liosatos   {K:34047} 1/5/2005
WOW!!! Now this is such a powerful image. I hope this message reaches even just one person. It will be all worth it. My stepbrother took his life for really strong reasons. There are many different reasons for this happening and each one of them is different to the next. Congratulations.



Todd Miller   {K:16464} 1/5/2005


Jim Loy Jim Loy   {K:31373} 1/5/2005
Nope. Cowards.... yer wrong.


Todd Miller   {K:16464} 1/5/2005
a moving shot.

its impossible to call suicide an act of cowardice or courage without knowing where the individual is at. i have to imagine there are many different reasons that people have, and to say flat out they are cowards is probably not fair.

my $.02


Jim Loy Jim Loy   {K:31373} 1/5/2005
Nawww.... suicide is blatantly selfish... no matter who writes the words. And two years hence... an empty chair at the table is turned around for those strong enough to keep living. Mathematics add up to a perfect answer... suicide is just a cheap, coward's way out of life. Yep... coward. I said it and I stand by it.


Cheri Meredith-Evans   {K:1766} 1/5/2005
Very attention gaining. I love the way you've contrasted between the note and the man. Very moving excellent work.


Stephen Bivens   {K:7308} 1/5/2005




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