Paul Lara
{K:88111} 12/28/2004
Rex, please do not take offense at my suggestion and alteration. the protection for you is that the maximum allowable upload of any image is 800x800 pixels; that's hardly large enough for anyone to make anything bigger than a 3x3 inch print.
The ability for this in Usefilm is for the reason I just illuminated; so you can suggest crops, color changes and other modifications to the author.
As for a recommended read, you may wanna start with the 'Dummies' series, but my vote goes to "Photoshop for Photgraphy the art of pixel processing" by Tom Ang, Amphoto books.
Again, don't take offense at my temporary tweak, and feel free to e-mail me if you have any photoshop questions. plara@satx.rr.com
- Paul
Rex Reynolds
{K:358} 12/28/2004
Hello Paul...yes i realize what you say is true...However...i have downloaded PS and frankly it is winning the battle..im going to the book store tomarrow and purchase "photoshop for dummies"..let me ask you something here...i see you loaded and altured my photo...what is there on this site to prevent someone from taking and using our photos...my hope is to someday sell some of my stuff as a supplement to my social security..i thought it was copyrighted...? Rex
Ursula Luschnig
{K:21723} 12/28/2004
The decisive moment and a great shot! Cheers,Ursula
Paul Lara
{K:88111} 12/28/2004
Rex, You could do wonders for this image if you adjusted levels to bring up the brighness:
Levels adjusted in Photoshop |