Gaja Snover
{K:4462} 1/29/2005
what a beautiful shot! The road justs invites you to enter the image and then makes you wonder what's behind that bend, and what that blue light is! very beautiful and mysterious.
Bahadir k
{K:8825} 1/16/2005
very good landscape with great colors and strong perpective
Kostas Tzanetos
{K:22012} 1/5/2005
a perfect place to enjoy walking! your picture is nice with great colors and effective composition,Nitish,but the background ( the grass in the distance and the mountains ) looks a bit blurred - and it kinds of distracts me ;-) regards, kostas
Amit Saha
{K:3131} 12/28/2004
Excellent saturation & composition, wonderful work Nitish.
{K:26787} 12/28/2004
Nice angle ... great colours; a wonderful landscape!
{K:4565} 12/27/2004
superb 7+
Neil Niamh White
{K:9165} 12/27/2004
Beautiful Colours and composition.
A very peaceful scene.
cessy karina
{K:14205} 12/27/2004
wonderful landscape, beautiful composition and perspective. really awesome shot
Fadel J
{K:13974} 12/27/2004
What a scene!! I love your composition and colors very much!
Lou Dina
{K:12194} 12/26/2004
Lovely composition and saturation. Lou
Pedro Libório
{K:53861} 12/26/2004
so lovely done, special composiiton and colors. regards.
Senthil Kumar
{K:1648} 12/26/2004
Nitish, Beautiful Landscape! Love the composition, colors and the depth.
Regards, Senthil
Luigi Parisi
{K:1167} 12/26/2004
Un'immaggine incredibile per bellezza e semplicità, un ottimo colpo d'occhio ed eccellente tecnica. Bravissimo
Linn Currie
{K:24426} 12/26/2004
Straight to my fav folder! Fabulous landscape, excellent saturation of colours; love the composition. Linn
waldemar ebner filho
{K:5242} 12/26/2004
Nitish, Excellent tones, beautiful muddy,pro work,congratulations.Hug
Salem Salem
{K:423} 12/26/2004
Full of color, well done
Diego M
{K:2668} 12/26/2004
Kamil Kwiatkowski
{K:117} 12/26/2004
Great shot! beautiful colors!
Roberto Bertone
{K:13239} 12/26/2004
Splendida immagine per colore e composizione!!!Compl.!!
Un saluto e Auguri!!
Dubravko Grakalic
{K:25235} 12/26/2004
great landscape
Judi Liosatos
{K:34047} 12/26/2004
Stunning...I love the colours.
okan can
{K:354} 12/26/2004
wooooow superb.... wonderfull, wonderfull....
Michele Berti
{K:14921} 12/26/2004
striking color palette, well composed and great perspective. well done, congrats.
Chris Hunter
{K:25634} 12/26/2004
Great shot, very moody, and effective w/ the path to lead you thru the scene,
Burak Tanriover
{K:16610} 12/26/2004
very beautiful,I like it.
Zeev Scharf
{K:25603} 12/26/2004
My friend Nitish ,I was the first to comment on your beautiful shot and rated it 7 ,I have it confirmed in front of me I don't know why it doesn't show yet Regards
Petri Puurunen
{K:3397} 12/26/2004
Excellent photo! nice three plane depth on scenery, very good saturated, strong colors.
Zeev Scharf
{K:25603} 12/26/2004
Wonderfullllllllll from me 7++++++++++++ Best regards dear friend
Luís Lobo Henriques
{K:9002} 12/26/2004
What a beautiful landscape, Nitish!!!!! BRAVO!