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My Christmas Tree
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Image Title:  My Christmas Tree
Favorites: 0 
 By: Mark Julian  
  Copyright ©2004

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Photographer Mark Julian  Mark Julian {Karma:36866}
Project #33 Pictures of Famous Places Camera Model Canon EF
Categories Abstracts
Film Format
Portfolio France/UK
Lens Canon  35 mm
Uploaded 12/25/2004 Film / Memory Type Kodak  Ektachrome EPL
    ISO / Film Speed 400
Views 438 Shutter
Favorites Aperture f/
Critiques 8 Rating
/ 2 Ratings
Location City -  7th Arrondissement
Country - France   France
About Of course this is the Eiffel Tower (the real one, not the phoney one in Vegas) and this is the first shot I ever took of it on my first visit to Paris in the late 70's. I still love to sit on a bench close by and stare at it or look at it from a high vantage point across the city. Paris has never lost it's magic on me (in fact it's grown immensely) and since i now have a little place there (a 10 minute walk to "La Tour Eiffel"), like in the last 2 years before, I should be over there right now. Thanks to the wonderful "out of control" spending our responsible Government has done (amongst other things) the dollar is SO weak in Europe (1 dollar turns into 65 cents. In other words you loose about 35% of the value of every dollar you spend. That's $3.50 on $10.00 (Euro's).etc. , etc.) and it's the same in many other industrialized countries. So instead of being in the city that I love with my wonderful French friends I'm stuck here. Is it in poor taste (or whatever) to be talking or complaining about such trivial matters on Christmas Day? (BTW, those who have deeply studied these things conclude that Jesus was born around April 18th - but let's not let facts get in the way of year end shopping). Well, it's a free country (they say) so I'm suppose to have freedom of speech (plus the giddy, Xmas syrup is getting a little too thick for me - but it always does). Everybody talks about Love and about the rest of the year? (or are we just all sheep following Society's calender telling us when and how to behave?) I don't know but I seem to have lost my calender a long time ago. Au Revoir Paris - see you in 2005. TECH FACTS: Film pushed to 3200 iso (asa in those days). No PS used.
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There are 8 Comments in 1 Pages
B:)liana    {K:30945} 12/27/2004
Great perspective dear Mark!
Love it!
Kiss, Biliana


Mark Julian Mark Julian   {K:36866} 12/27/2004
Ya, kinda like the IRS...... (everyday is Christmas)


M *   {K:2614} 12/27/2004
Great shot and perspective on this one. Love the lighting too. I love christmas because I get free stuff


Mark Julian Mark Julian   {K:36866} 12/26/2004
EXACTLY Saeed ! The Tree has nothing to do with Christianity or Christmas but with the group/religion who worshipped nature and the Sun as God. I'm rusty on the history - you know it better than I do. Unfortunately most people don't study and think here - they just shop. It's a country full of zombie's and that's why we have idiot, self serving leaders who start wars based on lies, go in and destroy the country and kill the people (Democracy Through Death) then don't have any idea how to finish the mess they started. It sickens me. Thanks for adding all that extra important FACTUAL information. All the best, Mark (just using my "freedom of speech" - I'm protected)


Saeed Al Shamsi Saeed Al Shamsi   {K:47735} 12/26/2004
Spectacular light effect, I like the way it shows the famous tower by gradually darken side, I did hear and read about Jesus birth and for sure not December ,`cos if you know a bit of Latin December means the 10th month of the year, and that goes to the Christmas tree which nothing to do with Christian religion but part of northern Europe ,ancient they use to celebrate it in beginning of the winter time and they used to pray for the sun and the calibration being on Sunday which is exactly means Sun Day :) Saeed


Mark Julian Mark Julian   {K:36866} 12/26/2004
PS Tell Karl that Bongo and Enzo (my 2 ) + me say hello


Mark Julian Mark Julian   {K:36866} 12/26/2004
Dear Ashley, The thing is I don't need / like all the hype - all this shopping and advertising has nothing to do with what Christmas is SUPPOSE to be about. It's been hijacked. I just don't like things pushed on me. Canada? (not involved in a phoney Oil war and Health care for everybody?) Not bad - I've been looking into many things. Thanks for commenting and taking the time to read the whole thing. Happy Holidays to you to, Mark


Ashley Hays   {K:2100} 12/26/2004
Hmmm...doesn't sound like you're having a very good Christmas. Well, here's something I always say to my liberal friends if they start criticizing America a lot (to cheer them up of course, it always makes them smile): Why don't you just move to Canada then? Haha...I think holidays are a little reminder to people who tend to ignore the world around them to remember the important things in life. Like love and peace. Happy Holidays.




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