Mark Hamilton
{K:8387} 1/18/2005
Hi Manu
When working with layers in photoshop if you click layers on the menu bar at the top of the screen you will be presented with a number of commands. The one at the very bottom is Matting, moving the cursor over matting will give you a number of options one being defringing. Click on defringe to bring up a dialog box in which you type in how many pixels you wish to have removed from the edge of the layer. This can be a useful way to remove that halo effect.
{K:13082} 1/17/2005
Great comment Mark...and you are absolutely correct. I have tried to to show the old with the new and now I notice the pretty poor halo effect around the crane. Self-taught PS work does need improving. I will look up what "de-fringing" means and see if it can be added.
Cheers for the comments and please keep them coming.
Mark Hamilton
{K:8387} 1/10/2005
What's too much.
The hardest thing in photoshop is learning when enough is enough. It's so easy to give images that one last tweak which inevitability becomes their downfall.
I think the PS treatment to accentuate your vision here is damn fine. But I find the image looking a bit pasted. I don't know if they were seperate layered images but it looks like they could do with a touch of defringing as they appear to be suffering from that not so nice halo effect or perhaps that was your intent.
I like the juxtapostion of the two elments the smooth rounded lines of the building on the left is an interesting contrast to the harsh geometric shapes found on the crane.
I like it.
Clifton Jones
{K:10688} 12/10/2004
Very creative and impressive work...looks like something from a Star Wars movie...well done... Clifton.......thank you so much for your many comments on my work....
Richard Dakin
{K:12915} 12/10/2004
Nope, not too much. Your photoshop work is skillfull, and adds to the surreal feeling.
Carlheinz Bayer
{K:14220} 12/9/2004
Wonderful!!! I love that strong comp, the drama sky, well this colors and the atmosphere. Very Cool! CB
Shiv Kumar Surya
{K:17362} 12/9/2004
Hi! Manu! Excellent composition. Regards, 'Surya'
Patrick Jacobson
{K:29151} 12/7/2004
Great shot.. really surreal! =) I like it.. might be abit to much ps perhaps.. But then again.. less ps and it wouldnt probebly had been as powerful and dynamic! Great tones and light.. great perspective!!
Patrick J
Sam Smith-Palomeque
{K:1680} 12/7/2004
Nice perspective and I like the scary feel to it. Very imposing, can almost see a face on the crane. I'm not sure about the blue on the building, but it's the unusual point of the picture, so not a bad thing
{K:13082} 12/7/2004
Thanks for your comments Rebecca...yeah I saw it as the new futuristic building competing for valuable space with the old disused crane also.
Rebecca Raybon
{K:26654} 12/7/2004
Very sci-fi looking with the giant crane taking over the city..attacking everyone in it's path! lol Great perspective and mood.
{K:13082} 12/7/2004
Many thanks for your comments Jeanette...
All the best
Oral Erlat
{K:1930} 12/7/2004
Very imperssive.Regards
Jeanette Hägglund
{K:59855} 12/7/2004
...and, it?s like a nightmare...forgot to say!
Jeanette Hägglund
{K:59855} 12/7/2004
Nonono - i think you are free to play around as much you want with photography - have photo?s ever been "true" - SO! In my opinion it works and ths shot are stunning with this big crane, scary and dramatic. Well done Manu!