City - Overland Park State - KANSAS Country - United States
Camera near ground, passenger's side front door... Toyota Matrix XR.
I drove around an upscale strip mall at 5 MPH - and drew complaints and weird views from the security guards patrolling the lot...
Homage to Kostas Tzanetos master of the night ride. I am a student, inspired by the master's work. Shot using my $.99 car camera. The Car Cam, or IED is described in the link below.
I cut up a cardboard box and duct taped it together into a crude trianular prism and taped it to the car. I then shoved the camera into the end and taped it in place.
After that, it was just drive around to expose the film.
Interesting image, I like the motion of the car a lot and then the solid thin lines of the lights. The reflections on the car side looks cool too. Nice one
weird views is sth you should get used to,Michael... :-P i like the low angle and the wheel movement a lot; the lights in the background are super ;-) i suggest you attach a picture of your CarCam each time you upload an image taken with it so the people realise how special these photos are!