Continious shot from my school project, I've tried to show my model in her own time, being herself after long working hours in the office, relaxed and joyfull, natural.
I think you succeeded in taking this natural moment, she defintly looks amused. Technically i would say that the use of the flash (or the light above) is not a very good idea since it's in the same axial as your point of view. Beside, the picture seems a bit unsharp, maybe a move, maybe the objective, i dunno. The framing and her head position are very good tho. Sharper and not on a bed i would say it is very GAP advertising like :) From my point of view this is the best shot you've made if her, but that's very personnal :) Damn she's cute... ;) She make me think of Laura Prepon (the red hair girl in "that's 70s show").