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Objects in the rear view mirror
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Image Title:  Objects in the rear view mirror
Favorites: 0 
 By: Thilo Bayer  
  Copyright ©2004

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Photographer Thilo Bayer  Thilo Bayer {Karma:50358}
Project #43 Unusual Vision Camera Model Nikon F65 / N65
Categories Architecture
Film Format
Portfolio Geometry & Perspectives
Street Life
Lens Nikon  28-80mm f/3.3-5.6G AF
Uploaded 11/3/2004 Film / Memory Type 200 ASA
    ISO / Film Speed 0
Views 675 Shutter
Favorites Aperture f/
Critiques 27 Rating
/ 9 Ratings
Location City -  Lucca
State -  TUSKANY
Country - Italy   Italy
About Subject background: The Ferrari parade of the local Ferrari club, taking place in Lucca at the famous rounded place ("Colosseum"). Shot is from 2002.

PC background: Reduced noise, worked on the color clarity and tonal range, added a slight vignetting effect.

As always: Honest feedback highly appreciated.

Sorry for the lag in comments at the moment, my hard disk crash caused a slight creative disorientation ;-)
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There are 27 Comments in 1 Pages
Hugo de Wolf Hugo de Wolf   {K:185110} 11/6/2004
Hi Thilo, thanks for the reply. I made a couple of similar shots today (different car, different setting, but with the same idea in mind) Your image and reply has helped me in my approach... Soon on Usefilm...;)




Thilo Bayer Thilo Bayer   {K:50358} 11/5/2004
Hi Hugo,

I'm glad you made this comment, as I couldn't believe that nobody finds something to nitpick. =)

what you say is not destructive at all. I have to say that the image is a rather old one. the times when I did holiday pictures, you know? =)

I came back to the image by chance (in the process of reorganizing my pictures after the hard disc crash). this image was like a homework in PS for me trying to improve my skills. after the image was done I thought it was a good idea to upload a rather straight image. you're totally right in stating this.

thx for the honest words.
take care,


Hugo de Wolf Hugo de Wolf   {K:185110} 11/5/2004
Hi Thilo, This works. Good angle, POV as well as wide angle distortion and PS tuning. Well balanced composition, and a nice shot.

BUT. (isn't there always one?) The class act car and the setting somehow fail to create the appeal in the image I get when looking (and commenting) on your other work. Sure, it's a nice shot, well captured and all, but the yellow stallion in the logo on the steering wheel alone doesn't pull it off for me.... The beauty of the car in combination with the typical italian background which could've created an excellent contrast and setting for a work of art are somewhat reduced by this composition. Not trying to be destructive, I'm just jotting down my thoughts. And it's a subjective reasoning, too.




Paul's Photos Paul's Photos   {K:35235} 11/5/2004
hey!! did I say that you could take photos of my car?? geez :) I love the contrasts between the old architecture and the modern car.. good capture


Carlheinz Bayer   {K:14220} 11/4/2004
Very nice! Good comp and clarity.


Thilo Bayer Thilo Bayer   {K:50358} 11/4/2004
Dear Elisa,

thanks a lot for your kind comment =)

take care,


Thilo Bayer Thilo Bayer   {K:50358} 11/4/2004
Hi Verena,

das hast du wirklich klasse auf den punkt gebracht ;-)



Thilo Bayer Thilo Bayer   {K:50358} 11/4/2004
Dear MaLuisa,

your descriptions are exactly what I felt when shooting this picture. you're very skilled in expressing your feelings while viewing pictures =)

take care,


Thilo Bayer Thilo Bayer   {K:50358} 11/4/2004
Hi Ursula,

danke fürs feedback. ich schicks mal dem enzo rüber ;-)



Thilo Bayer Thilo Bayer   {K:50358} 11/4/2004
Hi Patrick,

or both together? =)

thx a lot for the feedback, my friend.
take care,


Thilo Bayer Thilo Bayer   {K:50358} 11/4/2004
Hi Magnus,

thanks a lot for the constructive words.
take care,


Thilo Bayer Thilo Bayer   {K:50358} 11/4/2004
Hi Burak,

thanks for the feedback.
take care,


Thilo Bayer Thilo Bayer   {K:50358} 11/4/2004
Dear Francesca,

thanks a lot for your kind feedback.

take care,


Thilo Bayer Thilo Bayer   {K:50358} 11/4/2004
Dear Antonio,

on the rear view mirrors of cars in the US, there is a little sign saying "objects in the rear view mirror may appear closer as they are". you probably know that slogan from your own car. =)

so I refer to the reflections here that shows the rounded place.

take care and thanks for the feedback,



NN  NN     {K:26787} 11/4/2004
Very interesting angle/reflections! You see what you want to see! Clever shot, Thilo!


Tony Diana Tony Diana   {K:13396} 11/4/2004


Verena Rentrop Verena Rentrop   {K:15233} 11/4/2004
Hallo Thilo,

der Hintergrund ist sehr offensichtlich Lucca, der Platz ist sehr typisch...da muß ein Ferrari her um das italienische Feeling zu komplettieren :)

Liebe Grüße


Antonio Trincone   {K:23167} 11/4/2004
I do not understand the title even the perspective is so nice


Fadel J Fadel J   {K:13974} 11/4/2004
Very beautifull colors and perspective Thilo! and a great car! :)


Maria Luisa Vial   {K:36017} 11/4/2004
Excellent image Thilo... I like very much the reflection in the Ferri's window... A place full of movement and life... I like very much the buildings in the background... They transport one to another place in another time and contrasts a lot with the modernism of the car. It is as if two different worlds have united in time... Well done my friend... Great picture and a weel done work...




Ursula Luschnig Ursula Luschnig   {K:21723} 11/4/2004
Hi Thilo,sehr clever & smart..die Spiegelung in der Scheibe :) Würde ich Ferrari anbieten....


Jan Symank Jan Symank   {K:22030} 11/3/2004
Dynamic lines and interesting contrast of the red against the old houses.
Very well seen and composed


sunrise    {K:6651} 11/3/2004
one unusual vision very good and different!


Patrick Jacobson   {K:29151} 11/3/2004
Would be nice owning a ferrari! =) I like the shot.. could be the cropping that makes it all.. or the old buildings surrounding this modern car!

Patrick J


Magnus Beierlein Magnus Beierlein   {K:853} 11/3/2004
I like the way you made this shiny, sharp ferrari come bursting in to the old beautiful square like an unwelcomed intruder. Very nice.



Burak Tanriover Burak Tanriover   {K:16610} 11/3/2004
very well como-posed, beautiful lighting,best regards


Francesca Cadeddu Concas Francesca Cadeddu Concas   {K:7443} 11/3/2004
Bellissima: riprendi due simboli che riconducono immediatamente all'Italia. Due gioielli italiani. Uno tecnologico: la Ferrari e l'altro artistico: la piazza di Lucca.
I miei più sinceri complimenti




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