Marian Man
{K:80636} 11/2/2004
thavmasio!!! oraioi tonoi... kai aprosmeni ekfrasi gia enan agelo toso nearo sthn opsi...poly kali douleia Mary...efxomai epityxia (phra to email...na dw pws tharthw????!!!!!)filika Marian
Marcus Claésson
{K:2179} 11/2/2004
Great composition and expression!
Len Wager
{K:357} 11/1/2004
Great shot and composition Regards Len.
Mary Vareli
{K:15826} 11/1/2004
Ruta, I e-mailed you. Part of my e-mail I include here for others to read. Paradox Ethereal exists since 1996, officially since 1998. It was initiated by me and Tolis Elefantis. It is a registered photographic group though it is not purely photographic, as it includes other arts as well. What we do is organize Theme events, Conceptual events with a different topic each. Some of my favorites are "Tribute to Blue Color and thought" "Reversing non-reality" Tributes to Fairies, to WGT etc release parties of bands like Defile Des Ames, Daemonia Nymphe etc, unplugged lives eg The Chameleons etc. Eisplanet magazine (in Greek) and L'ame Electrique magazine too(in English) are parts of the project. All events include specialized music (we are collectors) , text (booklets with info stories articles etc by me and members), and multimedia shows of slides or short films by members. Some times we have theatrical deeds too, or sword fights by Society of Creative Anachronism, book exhibitions etc. You can send the angels to my mailbox and I will post you the poster, tomorrow will be out in the streets. I will also send you a DVD with the presentation by mail. It is glad you are new romantic also. A small part of my manifesto it is at my image ?The Conveyed impression?. Kisses!! There are members for other countries as well a Greece, all artists or lovers of the arts! There are hundreds of members, there is no member fee, we are non profit.
Paradox Ethereal has only artistic orientation; it is a new movement of combined arts and has a goal to reach the antithesis of the opposites reaching Platonic synthesis. A painting of Waterhouse for example is Paradox as it depicts nymphs but ethereal as the way to depict is smooth to the senses! The same is the way I write or shoot! Inspiration pre-exists and as much as artists develop their filter the outcome is colored by their filter! In this way people can create based on the same idea different works of art. In the events we try to reproduce the atmosphere, the vibe or each topic we explore.I will mail you sites with tributes to PE as my site was destroyed (by a jealous hacker)and a I build a new one.
{K:8771} 11/1/2004
you?ve got very nice idea, Mary, inviting also others UFérs to partecipate. If it?s not too late, I?ld like to mail you my "angel" on this week. in the main while, could you mail me with some more details, please?
what about your photo... don?t know why, but makes me to think it?s crying...
cheers. ruta
{K:30945} 11/1/2004
nice and emotive! Kisses, Biliana
Olga Vareli
{K:22477} 11/1/2004
gloomy feelings, an angel in a trance.....perfect...
Jeanette Hägglund
{K:59855} 11/1/2004
Poor angel are sleepy.... very well composed.
Patrick Jacobson
{K:29151} 11/1/2004
Great find.. really nice toning! I like it.. =)
Patrick J
Maria Luisa Vial
{K:36017} 11/1/2004
Beautiful angel Mary... Love the details... The golden tones are splendid...
Mary Vareli
{K:15826} 11/1/2004
Yes Carmen, it is an invitation for anyone who would like to participate in the project even if he/she is not from Greece. It is a multimedia presentation. I apologise I say this the last minute but the idea just came to me.I will check your portfolio more carefully! Thank you!
Roberto Carli
{K:13689} 10/31/2004
Very good crop,well done!!!
Carmem A. Busko
{K:48785} 10/31/2004
Hi, Mary, excellent cropping and toning. I didn?t understand... is it an invivation? (I did a photographic study on statues.. with similar toning and cropping.. but the theme was not on angels.. but religious figures..some are in my treklens portfolio.) Anyway, i like it. Cheers! Carmem
Maria José Barres
{K:11276} 10/31/2004
Great texture and light dear Mary! Kisses.
Verena Rentrop
{K:15233} 10/31/2004
sound verys interesting...will let you know if I met angels before 13th...
a hug Verena
Michele Berti
{K:14921} 10/31/2004
Very nice. I like the toning.
Mary Vareli
{K:15826} 10/31/2004
all kinds of angels are still angels my friend...nevertheless just for the record I declare I do not accept any diabolical creatures...too christian as a concept! I prefer more subtle, ethereal creatures, but still all angels are angels....
Magnus Beierlein
{K:853} 10/31/2004
Great cropping and texture. The beauty of the image, for some strange reason, makes me think of something else than an angel..........the fallen angel and something diabolical.
Saeed Al Shamsi
{K:47735} 10/31/2004
Splendid fill-frame,like the still life style,perfect details,lovely idea,Saeed
Mary Vareli
{K:15826} 10/31/2004
I need to add that in case any usefilm member wishes to join the "angels at play" event, he or she can simply send me the images in jpg format. In case the person cannot attend the event he or she will be sent a DVD with the slide show. Just let me know in advance so that I can add the name of the photographer to the poster of the event as well. All credits are properly given to the creator during the slide show as well.Color and B&W photos are ok.