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Image Title:  Nature
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 By: Judi Liosatos  
  Copyright ©2004

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Photographer Judi Liosatos  Judi Liosatos {Karma:34047}
Project #18 Beneath Your Feet Camera Model Sony DSC F828
Categories Digital
Film Format
Portfolio Animals
Lens Carl Zeiss
Uploaded 10/27/2004 Film / Memory Type Digital
    ISO / Film Speed 0
Views 382 Shutter
Favorites Aperture f/
Critiques 19 Rating
/ 3 Ratings
Location City -  Coastal Queensland
Country - Australia   Australia
About I wasn't entirely happy with the DOF, but considering I was deep in the bush with no tripod (not enough hands) I think it came out alright.

Hope someone likes it anyway.
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There are 19 Comments in 1 Pages
Judi Liosatos Judi Liosatos   {K:34047} 10/28/2004
Ahh there are some things I won't do for a photo....but I have managed so far to avoid it...LOL!!

Glad you like this one.



Judi Liosatos Judi Liosatos   {K:34047} 10/28/2004
Thankyou Den. Yes, it seems the web is stronger than what one first believes. If you look closely you can actually see it being spun. I am so pleased you like this one.



Judi Liosatos Judi Liosatos   {K:34047} 10/28/2004
Hey Kurt...I just got staff choice on one of my images...I am speechless.



Kurt LaRue Kurt LaRue   {K:5067} 10/28/2004
Judi, it came out more than alright. I, too, feel that DOF is just fine. The little critter seems to be balancing on one leg, seven others in the air. Got to hand it to these spiders, I sometimes have trouble controlling only two legs!
You are indeed brave. What she won't do for a great photo... Kurt


Den Thompson   {K:30432} 10/28/2004
I like it Judi. Think it's great. DOF and all that aside, I'm impressed by how it seems to be in mid air, almst as though it's jumping off the twig. Bits of web are just discernable. Fantastic. Thanks for sharing.


Judi Liosatos Judi Liosatos   {K:34047} 10/28/2004
It's alright Stu. You stick to your butties and you will be safe...LOL!! No, seriously I am not that comfortable with them either. But for the sake of a photo....I did it!!



S.D Holmes S.D Holmes   {K:7156} 10/28/2004
excellent capture judi !! wouldn't like to come across this character! i'lll stick to butties - yeh i know, wimp :P great composition though


Judi Liosatos Judi Liosatos   {K:34047} 10/28/2004
Thankyou Ameed. Your opinion is always appreciated. You give good advice and support.



Judi Liosatos Judi Liosatos   {K:34047} 10/28/2004
Thanks Teunis. Yes, something out of the norm. although my next image is back to my usual weird self...hehehe!!



Judi Liosatos Judi Liosatos   {K:34047} 10/28/2004
Thanks Sergio. You gave me a smile.



Judi Liosatos Judi Liosatos   {K:34047} 10/28/2004
I know the feeling Peter. Sometimes you can be lucky and get the shot first time, whilst other times...well!!

I honestly cannot remember the settings as this was taken back in May. About 5000 photos ago...LOL!!



Judi Liosatos Judi Liosatos   {K:34047} 10/28/2004
Thankyou Margaret. I did get lucky with this one.



Judi Liosatos Judi Liosatos   {K:34047} 10/28/2004
To be honest Larry, I don't know what type of spider it is. We were staying with friends on their property that covered mountains on the coast. He took us 4WDriving and then a huge hike up and down incredible steep mountain sides. That and with three little children, was very difficult, so I couldn't take the tripod. So our friend held the stick up to where I could get good light and backdrop for me. So the fact that I didn't have a tripod and it was not a still object I was very lucky to get that shot. I had actually wanted the spiders legs to be more in focus. Oh well.

And yes, I am scared of spiders, but our friend was holding it.....not me!!!



Larry Hammond Larry Hammond   {K:16631} 10/28/2004
I think your DOF is just fine, what would you want different?? Thought you were afarid of these critters?? this is maybe a poison one to boot??

Glad, you're back OK friend!!



Ameed El-Ghoul Ameed El-Ghoul   {K:42215} 10/27/2004
Actually I like the DOF here allot, you got that little fellow in the centre of the focus, and btw, he could give a hand : ) he has many : ) I like this capture Judi, it seems like if it is walking on the air, very well done and keep up the good work, regards,


Teunis Haveman Teunis Haveman   {K:53426} 10/27/2004
Judi, WOW
Great spider
good diagonal


Sergio Sánchez   {K:2350} 10/27/2004
You're right it would be better a bit more sharpness, but it's good for me. The composition is great.



Peter De Rycke Peter De Rycke   {K:41212} 10/27/2004
Quite nice indeed .. light came from the left apparently .. what was the shutterspeed and aperture ? Considering circumstances still a good capture ..
I was on a 4-hour walk in the wood last sunday, to photograph mushrooms .. well i can assure you: out of 150 pictures, i got 15 excellent ones ..
Regards, Peter


Margaret Sturgess   {K:49403} 10/27/2004
It is really great, excellent composition as well as good to getthe spider at all




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