saad alqasem
{K:1202} 4/28/2007
Dear Michael,
very creative work and nice shot. Double crossing perspecitives wonderful..
Best wishes and good luck, saad :) :) :)
Anthony Lound
{K:6661} 9/8/2005
That's an image of striking quality, imagination and beauty Michael. I love how you improvise and experiment. BTW, I just got the remote to which Kostas referred (for Astronomical pics principally - I have a coupla of gr8 Astro telescopes which I propose to attach my D70 to this Autumn and Winter).
Maryam Ashoori
{K:2186} 7/3/2005
Fabulous! Great idea! 7+++ colors are great! I've added it to my favorite, thanks for sharing, Maryam
Romy Fabian Garmaz
{K:17105} 3/10/2005
Michael. Excellent shot. Great timing Romy
Michael Kanemoto
{K:22115} 11/15/2004
Set up: Bogen Tripod.
Two legs forward, each in the passenger foot well. The third leg is raised up horizonally and stuffed into the crack where the bottom and back cushions intersect of the passenger seat. Mess with it for a while and you'll get it right.
Lynn Moore
{K:1059} 11/13/2004
I love this shot, you have captured it perfectly. Also I had a sneaky look at Kostas work - fantastic! You say you set the camera on a tripod on the passenger side? I would like to try this technique - any tips? Thanks for sharing!
Kostas Tzanetos
{K:22012} 10/25/2004
thank you Michael,you're very kind :-) i like your image a lot - the composition is smart and effective,the colors and the light trails are brilliant,the smoothness of the digital file is appealing and the text on the mirror is a really nice touch! btw,i think there's a remote control for D70 that lets you handle bulb exposures much more comfortably ;-) keep shooting! kostas
Iain Macadie
{K:1092} 10/25/2004
Very good photo, I have tried thing like this, but your is better!!. Well done. Regards, Iain
Marcus Claésson
{K:2179} 10/25/2004
Well, I like Kostas photos too, but I think this one is really good. Well done!
Saintz Saintz2
{K:11250} 10/25/2004
... Splendido lavoro .. molto creativo data anche la descrizione ...! :-)
Michael Kanemoto
{K:22115} 10/25/2004
We use different methods. He uses, from what I can tell, a wide, wide angle lens and a suction cup to attach the camera body to the car. He uses really long exposures as well in a film camera.
I used a tripod set up in the passenger's side, and a wide lens. My longest timer on my Nikon camera is 30 seconds, and I have to hold the button down on bulb - not really an option while driving. I also shoot digital, so I can take a whole pile of photos and then select the best one.
My camera is pretty pricy, so I'd have to build something pretty robust before putting it on the outside of the car.
{K:3307} 10/25/2004
Bien vu !
Eric Bumgarner
{K:1229} 10/25/2004
nice image, are you using the same methods as kostas?
Paul's Photos
{K:35235} 10/25/2004
very nice image.. love the lighting... good work
{K:21564} 10/25/2004
Dear Michael,
very creative work and nice shot. Double crossing perspecitives wonderful..
Best wishes and good luck,