Denzil Jayasinghe
{K:704} 1/24/2005
Excellent photo...
arif GAM
{K:760} 10/27/2004
ayam sorry mbak maria, abis aku sama sekali gak ngerti sih, ada bola menggeelinding, it's just KIDDING! jangan marah ya mbak, kan mbak saja yang tahu tulisanku! ayo kita ciptakan slogan satu bumi tanpa penindasan, meski berbeda tapi kita tetap cinta damai, love en peace to all over the world!
Maria Weidner
{K:883} 10/25/2004
Mas, kamu kenapa sih? Kok commentnya pake bahasa jawa trus? apalagi rasanya kamu ketawain orang. Kan bahsa eropa semua bisa diterjemahkan pake "translate", dan yg kamu bilang bhs italia itu bahasa spanyol. tolong ya mas, tenang aja, jangan marahin orang ya!
Salam Maria
Ivan Jimenez
{K:9078} 10/25/2004
All clear now... Best regards to you.
arif GAM
{K:760} 10/25/2004
oh..i'm sorry guys..this about misunderstanding! my english's not good. not fluently, lets improve my english with ur critique! thanks a bunch!
Ivan Jimenez
{K:9078} 10/25/2004
Actually, the picture is pretty good.. Very much like any of those war zone picture that cover the papers. So here.. there you got it... picture that depicts a tragic moment.
Ivan Jimenez
{K:9078} 10/25/2004
Arif.. the expression no comnments is sometimes used to express sadness, or dissapointment.. of just that the image needs no comments because it speaks for itself.
arif GAM
{K:760} 10/25/2004
why no comment? it's too bad? so how about ....u send qritique to make it good...just say...u've to...or scream...It's so bad gam!
Ivan Jimenez
{K:9078} 10/25/2004
No comments...
(and you are going to reply in english, spanish, french, italian or turkish.. I am affraid my indonesian is not up to speed..)
arif GAM
{K:760} 10/25/2004
why no comment dude!? aku yo rak peduli karo kowe lah males aku yen koyo ngtene carane, ojo mangkel karo wong sing tak photo, kabeh kuwi ono hikmahe rek! ini media buat saling kritik ngerti ra!?
Abeer Al Jarsh
{K:10209} 10/25/2004
:( no comments