Bea Friedli
{K:10189} 11/6/2004
excellent ! super shot ! ah yes..great camera !
Katia Cutrone
{K:12940} 10/22/2004
...eheheheheh! E' salito pure sul gradino, per sentirsi ancora più grande del "piccolo milanese" che voleva fotografarlo!
sei andato a cercarti un background davvero squallido, direi...un messaggio indiretto?
Bella, comunque, fuori dal tuo stile elegante, ma appunto per questo forte.
Chris Nichols
{K:7068} 10/22/2004
Great portrait with a nice background. Really shows the environment! Well done.
Paolo Stefano Amero
{K:5607} 10/21/2004
Ah yes, Svend! You have been able to describe in few words the exact feeling I had when this person posed for me. I only asked him to pose as he felt to do, and he gifted me with this great expression. Thank you.
svend videbak
{K:7376} 10/21/2004
One tough immigrant! "Firs ju get ta money. When ju got ta money, jen ju get ta power. When ju got ta power, jen ju get ta weemen!" Great photo. Rgds, Svend
Yannick Dolman
{K:559} 10/21/2004
Hallo Paulo. Das ist wirklich ein sehr gutes Photo. Ich finde es gut dass du dieses Photo schwarz-weiss gemacht hast. Beste Wünsche Yannick
Renato Renato
{K:4759} 10/21/2004
una bella foto da strada e bel BW ciao Renato