Craig Hanson
{K:7836} 10/21/2004
Powerful image!!!
{K:13082} 10/21/2004
Like it as it is...don't think it needs a grad filter on the sky makes it look a little too posed if it did.
Well done
Patrick Jacobson
{K:29151} 10/21/2004
Powerful image.. thought it was taken somewere in Iraq first. Superb composition.. love the toning and light here.. best is how the tank is placed. I agree that it looks dynamic.. =)
Great shot! 7+
Patrick J
Amit Saha
{K:3131} 10/21/2004
Ruins of fruitless battle...excellent sepia toning, i like the overexposed sky on the right, draws attention straight to the tank.
Gj Stressedafrican
{K:503} 10/20/2004
graag gedaan Gj
Teunis Haveman
{K:53426} 10/20/2004
Inderdaad Maar mooi dat je het laat zien Als ik wil kan ik deze wel uitprinten Bedankt voor je aan bod Teunis
Gj Stressedafrican
{K:503} 10/20/2004
Haha, geniaal! Graag gedaan Teunis! Je stond vast wel even te kijken met deze foto dan. Als u wil kan ik u wel een kopie sturen? Voor persoonlijk gebruik natuurlijk.
Teunis Haveman
{K:53426} 10/20/2004
Gerrit-Jan Geweldig mooi dit. Waarom / Ik was in 1964 in militaire dienst en wa schutter op een centurion tank. We oefenden vaak op Vlieland en scjoten deze tanks zolas op de foto in vlarden. Bedankt ik zal hem bij mijn favor zetten teunis
Gj Stressedafrican
{K:503} 10/20/2004
Indeed sad and thought-provoking. As I stood there, I could not help but think what it must be like for those in the gulf to sit in the desert in a tank and be shot at. Thanks for your comment :)
Gj Stressedafrican
{K:503} 10/20/2004
Thanks Lukasz :) Gj
Gj Stressedafrican
{K:503} 10/20/2004
Thanks Barry, the footprints are distracting indeed they take away the dynamism slightly, I was already worried about that. I'm happy you mention that, I'm also glad you like the 'dynamism'; I was subtly quietened by it's stale authority, the way it sat there in the sand. Cheers ~Gj
Omar Rifaat
{K:10141} 10/20/2004
very nice composition.
Mark Hamilton
{K:8387} 10/20/2004
Although this image is not what it seems. it is a sad and thought provoking picture.
Lukasz Kuczkowski
{K:14687} 10/20/2004
well done; love the "colors" here - they emphesize the place; good work
Barry Wakelin
{K:7838} 10/20/2004
Great composition and the tilt does provide a degree of dynamism to what was a very dynamic vehicle. The B&W tint works well and I think it actually works better without an ND grad. The numerous footprints are the only thing that detract from the aim of the image but short of sweeping them all up there's not much you could have done about that!
Gj Stressedafrican
{K:503} 10/20/2004
Thanks for your flattering comment! You should have seen the holes they punched through it. Though its dead, the poor thing still gets beaten up once in a while.
Cheers - Gj
ken krishnan
{K:19102} 10/20/2004
I thought this was a wreck from the 2nd WW somewhere in the African deserts !!!.
'Staticaly dynamic' - is the right phrase to explain the image. Excellent. It does look like it died in action.
regards, ken.
Gj Stressedafrican
{K:503} 10/20/2004
Hehe, I know that trick, unfortunately did not think of it then. Drat! I can also slap in another sky... but that would be cheating... or not... ehm... Glad you like it - Gj
Stefan Engström
{K:24473} 10/20/2004
I like the tilting tank, and the tilting horizon kind of works just because of that. An alternative to the grad filter could have been a second shot with less exposure and then some time with photoshop to simulate the grad filter in software.