Ian McIntosh
{K:42997} 11/12/2004
You're putting you skill to excellent use Mary. Love the values and warmed by the fires.
Mohammad Reza Shahrokhi Nejad
{K:7396} 10/25/2004
I like it too much,Mary. M.reza
Olga Vareli
{K:22477} 10/23/2004
Mary Vareli
{K:15826} 10/22/2004
Yes it is a long exposure shot, no PC i just cropped this one a bit, you can see the original in the same portfolio. 1/4 f 11 + a great deal of movement by the dancers + a red light. Thanx!!
Ryan Greene
{K:3297} 10/22/2004
I'm not sure how you acheived the effect in this picture, but it is wonderful. Obviously it's a long exposure, but at the same time the dancers are so sharp. Excellent!
Alex Louizidis
{K:689} 10/21/2004
In my country they say I take my hat off for you !!! in yours ????????????????????????
Mary Vareli
{K:15826} 10/20/2004
Thank you dear, today I will send you some mail, to answer all your questions! A kiss!! (Passsion yes...Pan was there!)
Marian Man
{K:80636} 10/20/2004
love the colors and the light of this fantastic image... strong and full of passion...GREAT WORK Mary!!!!!!!...regards Marian(fav)
drilan P drilan
{K:12030} 10/19/2004
Superbe photo et très belle mise en page ; allez-vous nous montrer une page de temps en temps, en plus de vos belles photos ? Vous savez Miss, il ne faut pas m'en vouloir, je m'emporte, mais n'ai aucune rancune. Salut Vareli, à la prochaine chicane! comme on dit quelquefois. drilan
Verena Rentrop
{K:15233} 10/19/2004
good luck with the book, tell me when it is published...
this is worth for...
Hug Verena
Stefan Engström
{K:24473} 10/19/2004
red is for passion!
Carmem A. Busko
{K:48785} 10/19/2004
Stunning artwork, nice poem. Cheers! Carmem
Maria José Barres
{K:11276} 10/19/2004
Great serie!!!!!! It's fantastic! Very good and artistic work! greetings.
Mary Vareli
{K:15826} 10/19/2004
Sure Karen! Thanx! It is difficult to publish here, with photographic editions even more difficult. I I make what I like to make anyway and we will see what happens! Future is unpredictable! I am glad you liked this page draft!!
karen clarke
{K:18893} 10/19/2004
Put me on the long waiting list for when your book is published. This is fantastic and breath taking. A blazing fire of brilliance. Like Biliana, I can't help but stare. Very, very well done, into my favorites~
{K:30945} 10/19/2004
It is me again dear Mary! I cannot stop looking at your photograph. This one I would love to have hanging on my wall dear Friend! Extraordinary one sweety. Love it! Kisses, Biliana
{K:30945} 10/19/2004
I am still here dear Mary! And I LOVE IT SOOOOOOOOOOO MUCH!!!!!!!!!!!! Kisses, Biliana
{K:3516} 10/19/2004
I love the idea of poetry with your photos - and the composition and colours here are clearly made for mythology. Wonderful.
Patrick Jacobson
{K:29151} 10/19/2004
Why not.. send them to my email my friend.. =)
Patrick J
Mary Vareli
{K:15826} 10/19/2004
Thank you Billiana, you make me blush...I am glad you liked it! A big kiss for you!!
Mary Vareli
{K:15826} 10/19/2004
Thank you Patrick! I posted a hymn by Daemonia Nymphe band (Divine Nymph). Let me know if you need any mp3 addresses for the songs.
Mary Vareli
{K:15826} 10/19/2004
Fabio thanx, a hymn...you are aware of the mythological background..
The Bacchic Dance of The Nymphs
Oh Nymphs daughters of ocean Daughters of springs and deep caves Xothies of the woods Amaryades daughters The grooves resound by their songs And their choir disturbs the harmony of waters The nymphs are dancing with pan Oh, nymphs daughters of the ocean Ethereal nereids of lush groves Shining virgins baccanters priestess Beautiful virgins wood clad priestesses Xothies of the woods Amaryades daughters The groves respond by their songs And their choir disturbs the harmony of waters The nymphs are dancing with pan The nymphs shake with pleasure as they dance the ritualistic ecstasy And their serenian echo resonate the forests And every time and so the Bacchic God in the middle of the dance Approaches and dawns the procession to a spring
{K:30945} 10/19/2004
wow dear dear Mary. this is sooooooooooooooooo beautiful. so strong and powerful scene and so great fire of passion. This is my friend a great MASTERPIECE! excellent.brillant. YOu are a genius dear Mary. Into my favorites. thank you sweety for such sensitive beauty of yours. Kisses, Biliana
Patrick Jacobson
{K:29151} 10/19/2004
Very mystical and moody picture... Surreal! Like taken from a dream.. or a fantasy land! =) Love the composition.. love the colors and light! Great work!! =) 7+
Ahh.. good luck with your book! =) Tell us later where we can buy the book when its finished!! =))
Patrick J
Fabio Keiner
{K:81109} 10/19/2004
love your bacchanalia