Raffaello S.
{K:605} 7/30/2008
hehe... grazie!
Chaterine Harton
{K:4065} 7/30/2008
ma daiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii ancora ridooooo!!!!!!!!!! davvero simpatica....mi ricorda una persona...
w l'ironia!
none none
{K:2302} 7/11/2005
Fantastic photograph!
Raffaello S.
{K:605} 7/4/2005
Grazie mille!! :)
Silvia Festa
{K:6008} 7/4/2005
uno spasso! grande ironia! complimenti!
Raffaello S.
{K:605} 10/1/2004
Thank you Zandra!!!..
Zandra T
{K:3635} 10/1/2004
Haha What a great composition you have made. Lovely display of humour and your expression in priceless. hehe So great.
Raffaello S.
{K:605} 9/25/2004
Thank you Marian!!
Marian Man
{K:80636} 9/25/2004
...nice work :) great idea very nicely presented...congrats Raffaello.... ciao Marian
Raffaello S.
{K:605} 9/24/2004
Thanks Johann for your nice comments!, i am glad that you like it!!...
Johann Pinto
{K:-720} 9/24/2004
Hi Raffaello, I have been having so much fun with your series, and this one in particular is the WINNER, the silly idea is just fantastic! thank you for bringing humor to usefilm. :)
Raffaello S.
{K:605} 9/24/2004
Yes Paula some times a have spare time!!! regards!!
Paula Goddard
{K:8492} 9/24/2004
HAHAHAHAHAHAHA! you must have a lot of time on your hands!
Raffaello S.
{K:605} 9/24/2004
:).. :0
{K:3946} 9/24/2004
this leads me to believe that if i too make a kissy face i can land my mug on the cover of time, weeeeee!
drilan P drilan
{K:12030} 9/23/2004
No but good show
Raffaello S.
{K:605} 9/23/2004
Ti ringrazio Maurizio!!, a dire il vero nemmeno io me l'aspettavo un'espressione cosi da me...
Di Ciuccio Maurizio
{K:57398} 9/23/2004
fortissima...mi piace l'espressione che ti sei catturato e l'incorniciatura è ottima..originalissimo scatto,piacevole e ben eseguito..colori precisi e ben equilibrati..ciao raffaello..a presto
Raffaello S.
{K:605} 9/23/2004
Thanks! Peri!! regards!
- -
{K:10510} 9/23/2004
=)) very good work raffaello.. congrats..