Radomir Smida
{K:133} 9/26/2004
Hi Verena, it is nice shot, with excellent composition and lighting. And I think that brown toning was good choice. Radomir
Andreas Marx
{K:1443} 9/25/2004
Excellent metering, Verena!
Not too sure about the toning, actually it might have been better in BW (or maybe a very cool blue?)
Stefan Engström
{K:24473} 9/22/2004
How very retro-matrix of you. Perfect background to make it snap too.
Marta Pereyra
{K:5029} 9/22/2004
Absolutly fantastic!!! Amazing abstract, love the lines and the great lighting ;) Congrats, Marta
Daniel Alexandrescu
{K:1249} 9/22/2004
Great lightining with a good composition. Sharp...beautiful tones and an original ideea ! Excellent work Verena !
Regards, Daniel
Verena Rentrop
{K:15233} 9/22/2004
Hi Kev,
title was a bit thinking around four corners ;) Check out again, I like the new title from Hugo
Cheers, Verena
Thilo Bayer
{K:50358} 9/21/2004
Hi Verena,
ein wirklich klasse stilleben. wunderschöne farbe, gute beleuchtung und feine glanzpunkte auf dem metall. die leuchtende birne bildet einen feinen mittelpunkt außerhalb des zentrums. well done ;-) LG, Thilo
b y
{K:2671} 9/21/2004
VEry good like it - Ed
Hugo de Wolf
{K:185110} 9/21/2004
Hi Verena, First of all thanks for your comment, very kind, and believe me, it's good to be back after a long overdue break..... )
Nice shot, I've been looking for such a lamp for ages, as they are not only very functional, but also a great concept and design.
I love the high level of details as well as the use of light in this shot. Good balanced composition, too. I'm not sure about the choice of monochromatic tone, which makes it a bit gloomy, and does not do justice to the metal structure. Can't momentarily come up with a different solution, though. The shot is quite strong and dynamic, and that prevails... )
PS: What do you think of "Medusa" for a title?
gio4love .
{K:14469} 9/21/2004
Simply beautiful:neta and clean, great picture. See you
Magnus Beierlein
{K:853} 9/21/2004
Love it ! So much imagination and so much lines and forms. Great contrast and fantastic lighting
Marcia .
{K:16108} 9/21/2004
Great lightining and composition, Verena. Congratulations.
Best regards, Márcia.
Teunis Haveman
{K:53426} 9/21/2004
Verena, Beautiful flexible light Teunis
Sergio Sánchez
{K:2350} 9/21/2004
Look like tentacles, great textures and lightning, good work!
Jeanette Hägglund
{K:59855} 9/21/2004
Hi Verena, truly nice shot you have here with great comp and contrast/tonality. Cool irony in your title as well.
Jeanette Hägglund
{K:59855} 9/21/2004
Hi Verena, truly nice shot you have here with great comp and contrast/tonality. Cool irony in your title as well.
Kevin Collier
{K:19076} 9/21/2004
excellent tones and composition -- don't quite get the title but it must be me -- K
Alexandre lery
{K:12} 9/21/2004
Belíssima composição
Giuliano Guarnieri
{K:36622} 9/21/2004
You should go back to Verona more often! :-) The definition and the contrast is superb! Bye Giuliano