Well, there will be as many opinions as there are viewers. I like this a lot. It has a rough immediacy to it that is very appealing. I don't think it needs to be sharper. I don't think Paul would have noticed the "camera shake" if he hadn't seen the 1/13 sec mentioned in your explanation. He probably doesn't know about the Panasonic's OIS. I think a photo that more closely conformed to the traditional rules would have nowhere near as much impact. I think you did a good job.
It looks like you took this as a candid rather than posed. If so, then well done as you have caught your subject looking very natural and unawares. Unfortunately, using 1/13s handheld (I presume) has resulted in quite noticeable camera shake. A little camera shake is no bad thing in these sorts of candids, but here it's just a little too intrusive. ISO 400 might have saved the day and also added a bit of "digital grain" to enhance the mood. As for the composition, I think the photo suffers a bit from having cropped off his chin. Don't get me wrong, I think the photo works well, but I would have preferred to keep the chin rather than the ear. It would also have been better balanced with his eye closer to the top left of the frame rather than bang in the centre. We all have a tendency (and I do this myself) to put the focal point in the centre of the frame when shooting, but more often than not it looks better offset using the "rule of thirds" or similar.