Jorg, good question. If you look at my Vietnam portfolio you will see I leave some photos as color and change others to B/W; this photo was not a clear choice. I thought the B/W brought out the textures of the wood better, and the colors were nothing exceptional or unexpected (green bushes, brown water), so I went with the B/W. Later I can post the color for comparison.
Ken, when I read your "about" my first reaction was "why", because I would love to see this as a color picture. Maybe because I am a "green" fan and this picture promises to be very green. Very nice composition in my belief, with the calm horzontal line accentuating the tranquility of the lifestyle here, the broad river leading into the picture (association: basis of the life of these people: beginning and end) and just enough dynamic by the diagonal ore which prevent all the calm lines to become boring. But why black and white (in PS?). Maybe you can share your ideas? Best regards Jorg