{K:42404} 9/4/2004
Marcos: excelente composicion buena uz y detalles. felicitaciones amigo
Maria José Barres
{K:11276} 9/4/2004
Very nice composition and subjet! Beautiful colors but very strong the shadows, isn''t it? Greetings.
Mark Hamilton
{K:8387} 9/4/2004
Hi Marcos
A nice attempt but I think the lighting has let this image down. There is too much contrast and you have started to lose detail in areas of the image. Overcast lighting would have served you much better. The central compostion is a little static. I love the contrast of the colours and would love to see this image taken under more favourable conditions.
Regards Mark
Antonio Carlos Trivelin
{K:1193} 9/3/2004
ops...esqueci de falar...aquele banco é da área de lazer lá em Pira mesmo, aliás foi num dos dias do Campeonato de Balonismo...rs
Antonio Carlos Trivelin
{K:1193} 9/3/2004
Marcos,obrigado pelo elogio. Sua foto está fantástica tb. Se vc estiver on line, dá uma passada no forum que estou lá agora. (03-set-18:58hs), aliás estou quase todos os dias lá. Legal que vc tb vai no passeio, se cadastra logo pra fazer amizade com a rapaziada, vc vai ver que legal !!!! abração.