Michael Holm
{K:7931} 10/23/2004
WOW Rose...you know you are forcing me to hold my head up with two hands... Thank you so very much for looking and the writing all those wonderful comments...they are inspiring.
if you wish you may check out www.mikeholm.net
thanks again for your uplifting remarks...Mike
Rose Martin
{K:4696} 10/23/2004
Not to give you a swelled head or anything ) but anytime you have any advice and critique... please feel free. You are the best. Again... absolutely perfect. Wouldn't change it for the world. I'm so glad I found your stuff
Craig Garland
{K:27077} 9/3/2004
Mike; this is very cool too-- even in the thumbnail. It's somewhat abstract in that it's hard to tell which of the opposing waters is stronger, ie their is a tension here that is palpable. The mono-tone colors also contribute to this character. Very nice my friend! Cheers. Craig
Teunis Haveman
{K:53426} 9/1/2004
Michael, great shot Good moment for this light Teunis
yury z
{K:332} 9/1/2004
very nice moment!
Jeanette Hägglund
{K:59855} 9/1/2004
Wonderful light.
{K:5777} 9/1/2004
Great shot. What is happening in the middle? Waves hugging each other?
Kshitiz Anand
{K:4848} 9/1/2004
Great capture!! The mood of the photograph is very nice!
Rebecca Raybon
{K:26654} 9/1/2004
WOW! Awesome capture! Brilliant composition, perspective, and silvery tones. Beautiful!
Carmem A. Busko
{K:48785} 9/1/2004
Stunning capture, a decisive moment well registered! Congrats! Carmem