City - Palermo (outside of town) State - SICILY Country - Italy
The sun was quite hot, the model was very nice, tall, and pretty, and Sicily was beautiful with great food and wine. What else does a guy need? (an ipod MAYBE). No Photoshop.
Sure Vikas, I'll go through my files and find somemore and put them up - Glad you like it. you have a nice page - India? What city? Did a big northern India Trip(Delhi to the east part) 2 years ago. Great trip, wanna go back again as soon as I can. Great country for photography, wonderful food, and nice people. All the best, Mark
Dear Biliana, I know, It's that Polaroid film -too delicate. The Windows? No, that's what I pulled her through after taking a few more shots. Going through the door would have taken too long - hahaha (you have to be a guy/bloke/mate/mec/dude/gent/chap/male to fully understand - we're cursed!)
B:)liana {K:30945} 8/25/2004
You certainly need a PhotoShop cleaning of this shot dear Mark! She is lovely and her pose is good, but the windows are distracting a little bit! Dont you think?? Kisses and Hugs, Biliana
Probably should have used a little Photoshop to clean it up a bit.It's actually from a roll of Polaroid Self developing Positive 35mm which scratches very easily (Don't even know if they still make it) So please disregard the scratches and spots. The model had very nice skin.