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[Quadratic Head]
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Image Title:  [Quadratic Head]
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 By: Thilo Bayer  
  Copyright ©2004

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Photographer Thilo Bayer  Thilo Bayer {Karma:50358}
Project #49 Dramatic Portrait Camera Model Pentax Optio 550
Categories Abstracts
Film Format
Portfolio Abstracts
Geometry & Perspectives
Lens Pentax Lens
Uploaded 8/18/2004 Film / Memory Type ISO 100
    ISO / Film Speed 0
Views 671 Shutter 1/15
Favorites Aperture f/2.8
Critiques 22 Rating
/ 6 Ratings
Location City -  Nuremberg
State -  BAVARIA
Country - Germany   Germany
About This image is destined to be placed unter the new project.

comments are appreciated a lot.
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There are 22 Comments in 1 Pages
Thilo Bayer Thilo Bayer   {K:50358} 9/6/2004
Dear Angelo,
thanks for the feedback. actually, I wouldn't miss the "links"-sign, as this shows that the boxed have directions (left, right and so on).

back from holidays? =)
take care,


Ahmet Baki Kocaballi   {K:13618} 9/6/2004
Hi Thilo, very nice concept work..


Angelo Villaschi Angelo Villaschi   {K:49617} 9/5/2004
Nice work on the contrasts for a captivating image.

Just a bit too much going on, perhaps. The "LINKS" box gets in the way a bit. I wish it wasn't there.


Thilo Bayer Thilo Bayer   {K:50358} 8/26/2004
Dear Rodrigo,

thanks for the nice comments.
take care,


Rodrigo Hernández Salgado   {K:-229} 8/24/2004
You have a great portfolio, this I like very much it looks like a ptint from the 60's.


Ursula Luschnig Ursula Luschnig   {K:21723} 8/19/2004
Hi Thilo,echt originell,hab ein faible für sowas.Aber schon etwas ungewöhnlich für das Projekt...:)Auch geschickt,wie Du die grains erklärst...:=))))Ehrlich gesagt,mag ich die Farbversion auch lieber...
Liebe Grüsse,Ursula


Thilo Bayer Thilo Bayer   {K:50358} 8/19/2004
Hi Udo,

mensch, 100 Punkte! ;-)

dachte, das fällt jemand auf... hab ja schon auf dich gehofft.
grüße, thilo


Uwe Bachmann   {K:10222} 8/19/2004
entdeckt hatte ich es schon, freilich konnte ich irgendwie keinen "bezug" dazu herstellen, außer, dass es rechts steht...;-))


Enjoy    {K:16125} 8/19/2004
VERY different and fun... really nice BW.... great job..


Thilo Bayer Thilo Bayer   {K:50358} 8/19/2004
Hi Udo,

danke für dein feedback. mich wundert, dass noch keiner das LINKS entdeckt hat ;-)


Tony Diana Tony Diana   {K:13396} 8/19/2004
Y yo pensando en una alegoria al mito de la caberna de Sócrates, JAJAJAJAJAJAJJAJAAJ estupendo, lo mas simple suele ser lo mas veraz


Uwe Bachmann   {K:10222} 8/19/2004
diese quadrat-köpfe sind echt sehenswert, gefällt mir gut thilo.

vg, uwe


Thilo Bayer Thilo Bayer   {K:50358} 8/19/2004
Dear Tony,

I hope I get your question right ;-)

this is an art exhibition. the room is full of boxes where one can put his head in and see small films, sounds and other strange things.

take care,thilo


Tony Diana Tony Diana   {K:13396} 8/18/2004
?Me puede explicar el porque de las cajas? me gustaria comprenderlo


Maria José Barres   {K:11276} 8/18/2004
Excellent composition!!!!!!!!!!!! 7+7


Thilo Bayer Thilo Bayer   {K:50358} 8/18/2004
Hi Pia,

danke für Deinen Kommentar. Ich finde natürlich auch, dass die starke Farbe was hat. Aber 2x ein ähnliches Bild fand ich einfach langweilig ;-)


Thilo Bayer Thilo Bayer   {K:50358} 8/18/2004
Dear Erik,

thanks for the color opinion. I just wanted to make a different photograph and to let the details shine ;-)
take care,
Thilo (stay tuned for your pictures!)


Thilo Bayer Thilo Bayer   {K:50358} 8/18/2004
Dear George,

thanks for the constructive words. In fact, I didn't add any noise. I just worked on the midrange contrast to achieve the effect. the grain comes from the image itself and the short shutter time.
take care,


PK- Photos PK- Photos   {K:13099} 8/18/2004
die Composition gefällt mir sehr gut, in Farbe ist es fast noch ausdrucksstärker

LG, Pia :)


Erik Neldner Erik Neldner   {K:10846} 8/18/2004
This is funny. I see the detail the detail you talk about, but having seen images from this event in deep/rich color, I think I'd prefer to experience this image in color also. Perhaps if I hadn't seen the other images, I'd feel differently.
Ken Haber and I took a photo trip out to the desert yesterday and thought of you for some reason. Images to be posted from both of us soon.


Roberto Arcari Farinetti Roberto Arcari Farinetti   {K:209486} 8/18/2004
ciao Thilo
I have seen and understood that you were. great genius! fantastic also in the tones sepia..


George Black George Black   {K:102014} 8/18/2004
The b&w works very well here. And the added noise is also an asset to create something of a improvisational tonality. The moment is intriguing and the overall effect is excellent.




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