a few men tried to keep him quiet...(a manifestation in Luxemburg against the termination of employees. The pictures from Gustavo Hochman encourage me, to show here also more critical pictures than only beautiful and funny shots. We don't live anymore on a island, where is all ok, always sunshine in the life, even here in Luxemburg, one of the richest nation in the world...)
hey Gustavo, in fact, that is not before the storm, but after the storm, i arrived to late , the police had had yet all under control and so i could only make a few interesting pictures from the manif., but thank you for your professionnel comment, i appreciate it a lot. For the blur in the hand of this man: i try to make my streetphotography more interesting when i'm using a little bit lower speeds, and it works ;0)
Gosh. Impact man. Glad I don't see too many of these. Excellent shot. He would be feeling well served to be up here too (i.e. this, for a street shot, does not seem to be exploitative.)