Martin Boertien
{K:15} 8/15/2004
love this one Ray lovely expression well captured is she your daughter well done Regards Martin
Mark Kresl
{K:9434} 8/8/2004
Ray, perfect title for a fabulous picture. I could go on forever about what is right about this shot, but I'll just leave it at congrats!
Ray Gould
{K:1539} 8/1/2004
Thanks for the wonderful comments Tony. It's really appreciated to know some people recognize others talents and contributions to the photography world.
Regardless if this gets 75 votes or not, I appreciate the ones it does get and I love it as well.
Keep taking them and I'll comment on ALL of your wonderful works... You have a good eye.
Best regards! Ray
Tony Quinlan
{K:2094} 8/1/2004
One of the nicest shots I've ever seen on Usefilm. Shame you're not one of the 'elite' on here.........you'd have 75 comments for that lovely pic otherwise Ray. (I suffer from the same ailment myself) ;-)
Tony Quinlan
{K:2094} 8/1/2004
One of the nicest shots I've seen here in ages. Well done.
{K:61359} 8/1/2004
Lovely capture of a precious instant. The grey tones and the background are well done. Congrats. Fabrice
Tony Diana
{K:13396} 8/1/2004
Un precioso tiro
GianniMa - Gianni Mattera
{K:2213} 8/1/2004
dolce e tenera immagine , una vera espressione d'amore complimenti