{K:17069} 7/24/2004
thanx for understanding... thats exactly the feeling of the picture! people dont seem to like it because they are expecting to see too much when sometimes i just feel like doing exactly what you said... relax.
p e t a .
{K:18700} 7/24/2004
Nice to see a more relaxed image from you away from the studio. Thats a cute outfit, and a sexy expression.
Gino Quattrocchi
{K:39580} 7/23/2004
non č una delle tue migliori foto e lei non č la tua migliore modella....;/ ma č solo il mio gusto...e da te aspetto sempre il massimo !!!
{K:17069} 7/23/2004
Well. I really like it. Maybe u are used to more of my studio shots with controlled light. Outdoors is a totally different story...
If u don't like the girl. Maybe u'll change your mind when u see the next shot...
Mario Bedolla
{K:459} 7/23/2004
me gusta la toma. yo creo que a lo que Uri no le gusta es la modelo pero el gusto se rompe en generos. :-) saludos desde Mexico
Uri Lidsky
{K:4932} 7/23/2004
i've seen better comes out of your camera, not that it's bad, but it doesn't look like one of your best. Uri.