Harry Brown
{K:817} 7/17/2004
Very nice work Pete. The fence leads right into the lighthouse. The exposure and color are excellent. I find the stairs to the left to be a minor distraction. Might work better if you crop them out.
Ben Ricci
{K:805} 7/16/2004
I love how the fence takes your eye towards the lighthouse structure. Very nice job...
Lukasz Kuczkowski
{K:14687} 7/14/2004
considered composition, I like it I think b&w would be also great;
Paul's Photos
{K:35235} 7/14/2004
very nice..like the perspective and the lighting is excellent
Pam Heisler
{K:4032} 7/14/2004
Very nice shot.. I like this composition... Good job!
Guido Tweepenninckx
{K:20076} 7/14/2004
7777777 beautiful Peter
drilan P drilan
{K:12030} 7/14/2004
Très belle composition et belle perspective de la clôture qui mène l'oeil au phare, puis monte l'escalier dans la même pente que le toit. Bravo.
Chris Hunter
{K:25634} 7/14/2004
Good shot and use of the surrounding elements,
Tony Diana
{K:13396} 7/13/2004
Estupenda pespectiva