Tim Schumm
{K:29196} 7/15/2004
wow this is a very powerful image i like it better here in B/W. Excellent Paul!
{K:16125} 7/7/2004
great title for this shot...well done..
charles zhao
{K:988} 7/6/2004
just a little more detail are prefered. :)
Lucas Macedo
{K:12843} 7/5/2004
Great composition, contrast and toning, Paul! Huge and strong structure. Congrats and regards! ..... Lucas
arwa abdullah
{K:34415} 7/5/2004
Simple and great, shows how industry is dominating our environment and life style 7/7
Axel Dönges
{K:381} 7/5/2004
Perfect framing, congratulations. It all leads to one point at the top of the frame, and this point is placed exactly where it should be. Spot on!
I personally prefer more open shadows, but here it adds to the compactness of this block. I'd like to see this one on FB paper that's able to render detail even in this deep shadow areas. )
Zandra T
{K:3635} 7/5/2004
Heavy compact structure. Very strong in it's apperance. I haven't seen the other in a big format yet. This was the version that appealed most to me. It seem to be very firmly acoured in to the ground. Great job Paul.
Hugo de Wolf
{K:185110} 7/5/2004
Yep, Much stronger, Paul. The atmosphere is very well emphasised this way. Good work!