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Inside, variation 2
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Image Title:  Inside, variation 2
Favorites: 0 
 By: Dr. Rafael Springmann  
  Copyright ©2004

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Photographer Dr. Rafael Springmann  Dr. Rafael Springmann {Karma:89517}
Project #15 Personal Style Camera Model Fuji Finepix S7000
Categories Florals
Film Format
Portfolio Flowers
Lens Fujinon set to super-macro
Uploaded 7/5/2004 Film / Memory Type Card set to 200 ASA
    ISO / Film Speed 0
Views 371 Shutter 1/1000
Favorites Aperture f/8.0
Critiques 11 Rating
/ 5 Ratings
Location City -  Nes Tsiona
State - 
Country - Israel   Israel
About Light source: ring-flash
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Dr. Rafael


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There are 11 Comments in 1 Pages
Emgy Massidda Emgy Massidda   {K:60358} 7/13/2004
So beautiful, Rafi!n
This sunny image cheers me up and brings some light in the dark rainy days we are regularly having in this country, event though it is summer.
Thank you
I love it!


Dr. Rafael Springmann Dr. Rafael Springmann   {K:89517} 7/7/2004
Ring flashes are not inexpensive here as well. I bought a cheap one, but it passed quietly away after about a fortnight. Fortuanately the salesperson was honest enough to see that it could not have been my fault and re-imbursed me. The one I have been using for six months now cost me the equivalent of $250, but I feel that the joy it gives me is worth the price. So it boils down to you making your calculations: price vs.pleasure.
Thanks for your excellent comment on my "Inside, variation 2"
"Framing and hanging it on the wall was like music to my ears-eyes.


ade mcfade   {K:12388} 7/6/2004
Very abstract Rafi, could be almost anything, bet it would look excellent framed and over a mantlepiece

I've been considering a Ring flash recently. Quite pricey in the UK though. One day....


Di Ciuccio Maurizio Di Ciuccio Maurizio   {K:57398} 7/6/2004
luminosa ed attrattiva...originale scatto come tu solo sai regalare..grande rafy...amico caro...grazie di tutto..è piacevole averti per amico...ciao


Dr. Rafael Springmann Dr. Rafael Springmann   {K:89517} 7/6/2004
Thank you, Riny, for your lovely comment on my "Indide variation 2"


Riny  Koopman   {K:19998} 7/6/2004
Super Excellent Rafi,
Best wishes frome holland.


Stephen  Bowden   {K:64141} 7/5/2004
Super capture Rafi


Dr. Rafael Springmann Dr. Rafael Springmann   {K:89517} 7/5/2004
You try to psychoanalyze me, sahbi Abeer. You're welcome and as I just took what I saw without thinking, my unconscious must have played a part in the creation of "Inside, variation 2" Thank you for commenting on it .
As you are intereted in psychoanalysis, you might be interested in a book I recently published on the subject. It's called "Dialogues with schizophrenia - the Art of Psycotherapy", it can be found on and has been written with the interested non mental-health professional also in mind. Emgy Massida and Maria Luisa Vial own it, and althogh neither is a mental-health professional, both wrote to me that they found it interesting and easy to read.
Ma'a salami waleilak b'heir,


Dr. Rafael Springmann Dr. Rafael Springmann   {K:89517} 7/5/2004
You try to psychoanalyze me, sahbi Abeer. You're welcome and as I just took what I saw without thinking, my unconscious may have played a part in the creation of "Inside, variation 2" Thank you for commenting on it .
As you are intereted in psychoanalysis, you might be interested in a bok I recently published on the subject. It's called "Dialogues with schizophrenia - the Art of Psycotherapy", it can be found on and has been written with the interested non mental-health professional also in mind. Emgy Massida and Maria Luisa Vial own it, and althogh neither is a mental-health professional, both wrote to me that they found it interesting and easy to read.
Ma'a salami waleilak b'heir,


Saeed Al Shamsi Saeed Al Shamsi   {K:47735} 7/5/2004
Psychological theories of emotion stress colour motivational power. uniform in colour; the yellow hat above, and orange simply spot, intentional image ?,regards, Saeed


Abeer Al Jarsh   {K:10209} 7/5/2004
excellent coloring




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