Violetta Tarnowska
{K:24497} 10/23/2006
Lovely view... The beautiful composition, great colours. Viola
Ahmet Baki Kocaballi
{K:13618} 7/5/2004
beautiful shot,i very like it i have also send a fullmoon shot today, i would like you to see it regards Baki
Marion Luijten
{K:6141} 7/4/2004
Thank you Hugo. I was surprised to see that the shot came out so well, as I didn't have a tripod with me (too heavy). I sat on the beach with the camera on my knees. :)
Hugo de Wolf
{K:185110} 7/4/2004
Hi Marion, The tranquility in this shot is outstanding, very well captured, and so breathtakingly scerene, it's fabulous. And so are the tones and colours. The rock in the background seems a tad soft, and maybe a different composition (a little more off center) wouldve increased the tension, but these two things fall in to oblivion compared to the atmosphere. Excellent shot.
Marion Luijten
{K:6141} 7/4/2004
Hi Lowell! NZ was fantastic! So was Australia, but we were there only for 10 days. I made more than 1500 pictures (not all suitable for posting though), so you'll be seeing more in the future. :)
Marion Luijten
{K:6141} 7/4/2004
Hi Peta, Thank you for YOUR moon!I knew you were from NZ and thought of contacting you, but then saw you live in Texas now. I was also with my daughter in NZ. :) We toured both the islands for 6 weeks (campervan) and had a wonderful time! What a beautiful country... Wellington was my favourite city with it's impressive Te Papa museum.
peta jones
{K:12615} 7/4/2004
Hi Marion, just saw the country feature and found you were in NZ same time as I was! Could not resist showing you my moon over Wellington near my old home, same night.:)
This is a beautiful shot, love the moonlight shimmering on the water. Hope you had a nice time there. I had a fabulous time with my daughter visiting my old haunts. :)
Luke Luther
{K:14693} 7/3/2004
it is beautiful yet serene. welcome back and delighted to see you posting again. this image has details in the shadows for certain. the sparkle of the water and the looming mountain and the angled shoreline make for a very dramatic and powerful image.
lowell whipple girbes
{K:13151} 7/3/2004
how was new zealand? i like it !!!!!
Fabio Keiner
{K:81109} 7/2/2004
du bist schon eine hoffnungslose romantikerin :)
Fabio Keiner
{K:81109} 7/2/2004
du bist schon eine hoffnungslose romantikerin :)
Daniel Silva
{K:2512} 7/2/2004
great picture
Tony Diana
{K:13396} 7/2/2004
Estupenda Imagen
Dirck DuFlon
{K:35779} 7/2/2004
I'm very honored, Marion! And to have such a beautiful shot dedicated to me :) I think you're right - we must have been on the same wavelength... I love the mysterious look to the moon in this one, behind those wispy clouds, but I especially like the detail visible in the white cliffs behind! Wonderful photo, and thank you so much!!