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The Look!
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Image Title:  The Look!
Favorites: 1 
 By: Linn Currie  
  Copyright ©2004

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Photographer  Linn Currie {Karma:24426}
Project N/A Camera Model Minolta DiMage Z1
Categories Digital
Film Format
Portfolio Lens 95mm
Uploaded 6/21/2004 Film / Memory Type ISO 50
    ISO / Film Speed 0
Views 413 Shutter 1/125
Favorites Aperture f/4.0
Critiques 26 Rating Critique Only Image
Location City -  Centurion
State -  GAUTENG
Country - South Africa   South Africa
About This black swan and his partner resides at one of my favourite nurseries. They have a huge (and extremely beautiful) pond where they are supposed to live in harmony with ornamental ducks, koi and a pair of white swans.

This mister is King of his castle and he is extremely agressive. The pond has different levels for viewing (one being from the top where the teagarden is situated) and the lower level, from where I took this shot. He would hover on the opposite side of the pond, and every now and then would come zooming across the pond, as in a mock charge, and stop right in front of me. I took countless other shots of him - all out of focus, which is no suprise as he scares the heebie jeebies out of me!

f 4.5
s/s 1/100
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There are 26 Comments in 1 Pages
Margaret Sturgess   {K:49403} 6/22/2004
You are so brave, I would not mess with him, but this is a wonderful shot, well done.


Graham Mulrooney   {K:15728} 6/22/2004
This is perfect Linn one of the best swan shots I've seen. The tight crop and frame enhance it even more.7+


Riny  Koopman   {K:19998} 6/22/2004
Great macro shot, Lynn.
the black swan is lovely
groetjes van Riny


Saeed Al Shamsi Saeed Al Shamsi   {K:47735} 6/22/2004
Amazing how close this bird, seems just coming out of my screen, so sharp and great details, Saeed


Amna Al Shamsi   {K:21795} 6/22/2004
First time in my life i see red eyes! Excellent capture and nicely presented.


Kev Rynne   {K:1110} 6/22/2004
The look indeed!! Like a stern father!
Beautifully done Linn! A fav.
Cheers kev :)


Walter Scarella Walter Scarella   {K:19671} 6/21/2004
Superb composition, splendid capture, excellent details and colours.


Linn Currie   {K:24426} 6/21/2004
Hey Chris - it's only a hop, skip and jump across African countries and you land half an hour from where we live :-) If I could do it (all on my own and find my way around Heathrow!) then so can you can you and Mrs S :-)

You would love this nursery. They have a magnificent display of water features and stunning (man-made) waterfalls. Remember the white swan diving into the waterfall that I posted a while ago? That was taken there too. Plus they have a collection of animals - for children - but also entertaining for the adults. And on top of that, they have a great selection of plants and the entire place is drenched with colour during the flowering seasons (which unfortunately is not now )

As for the tea ... you are on your own there ... we are coffee people :-) You could have your tea, and we will stock up on the latte's :-) Plus - you could have a slice of melktert (milk tart) which is oh so traditionally South African :-))

So - are you flying business or first class? :-))



Chris Spracklen   {K:32552} 6/21/2004
Stunning shot, immaculate presentation and nice story!
Sounds like my kind of place, Mrs.C.
Now wouldn't it be cool if Mrs S. and I could meet up for tea with you and Robert?!!
A little too far to travel unfortunately!
Keep posting these great images.
Kind regards, Chris


Paul's Photos Paul's Photos   {K:35235} 6/21/2004
excellent image.. love the colors.. good work


Allen Aisenstein Allen Aisenstein   {K:5652} 6/21/2004
Linn, Super macro capture with nice detail. Thanks also, for your kind comments on my Upper Yosemite Falls photo.
Regards, Allen


Linn Currie   {K:24426} 6/21/2004
Here's an image of how the koi hangs around the swans. Some of them even jump out the water!



Hungry Koi

xxxIlonaxxxx xxxxKrijgsmanxxxx   {K:10405} 6/21/2004
I am so scared for swans......most of all they attact me....but this one looks so lovely.....what's behind his expression......or you where to close....kidding.....excellent shot


Maria José Barres   {K:11276} 6/21/2004
Powerful swan! Magnific. Great work Linn.


Teunis Haveman Teunis Haveman   {K:53426} 6/21/2004
Linn, beautiful Black Look
Great crop
I have also one in my portfolio


Linn Currie   {K:24426} 6/21/2004
Jeroen, I got a fright when I checked the stats of the image - I didn't realise I was that close!

The word is "closer than you think" but your English is just fine :-)

Did you know that swans mate for life?



Peter Daniel Peter Daniel   {K:33866} 6/21/2004
Must have just got his large cell phone bill...:) get it? Large Bill....Ta Dum! :) :) LOL

Great shot, wonderful colors and presentation...

Thanks for sharing....


Robert Gaither Robert Gaither   {K:34128} 6/21/2004
This one looks fine excellent details and image. I like this picture.


Jeroen Krol   {K:3085} 6/21/2004
Love the composition, the crop, the deatail in the black fur and the background.

Watch it when using a wide angle while framing the King: you're actually nearerby (is that correct?) then you might think!


Frank Sala   {K:2643} 6/21/2004
Linn, Excellent detail retained in the blacks and beautiful colours.A very agressive looking bird.I think you have caught him to perfection.
Well done.


Rawabi Al-Nuaimi   {K:15659} 6/21/2004
amazingly cute..! very gorgeous "model" and beautiful colors.. i love the cropping :)


Getulio Melo   {K:6481} 6/21/2004
And what a look! Fantastic details and colors, Linn. Congrats.


NN  NN     {K:26787} 6/21/2004
Linn, I?ve never seen black swans ... *dreaming of a pic with a black and a white swan together* ... which reminds me ... I?d better go to bed now! Thanks for your words/images!



Maria Luisa Vial   {K:36017} 6/21/2004
Great picture Linn, and excellent reporting....



Linn Currie   {K:24426} 6/21/2004
I was thinking of you when I cropped :-) Actually, every image I now crop I think "Now I wonder how Elisa would do this?" and then I crop and un-crop, and crop and un-crop ...

Wish you could see this bird ... the koi follows them around wherever the swans are (both the whites and the blacks) because they know that some of the food is spilled in the water. In this particular image, there was a beautiful koi in the foreground and if I included it, I would have lost this tight crop.



NN  NN     {K:26787} 6/21/2004
Wow ... this King looks very powerful indeed! Awesome details ... and that EYE!!! Great capture Linn; congrats!

Oh, I forgot ... very COOL cropping! ;-)




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