Deleted Member
{K:7533} 6/15/2004
wauwww! you are a doktor? very nice, i am a professor :)) puhahaahha herif doktor yazmis yaa... congr. best regards __prof.dr.umur karakaya__
Willem Pitel
{K:2762} 6/10/2004
Good shot Rafi. I like the mood this photo is creating. The droplets are really lovely.
Dr. Rafael Springmann
{K:89517} 6/10/2004
Thank you once more. This time for your comment on my "Raindrops on my window 2" Regards, Rafi
Sean D.
{K:2361} 6/10/2004
Beautiful shot. The focussing on the drops could have been sharper, but knowing the situation on a bus it may have been dificult.
ade mcfade
{K:12388} 6/9/2004
I like the way yuo've turned these rainy days into something quite special by focussing on the raindrops and leaving something in the background that we can just about make out. The umbrellas yesterday and today this lovely dome.
Leavingit out of focus leave us to our imagination to complete the image.
nice touch
Teunis Haveman
{K:53426} 6/9/2004
Rafi, Great work Beautiful Drops Great shadow look in Window Teunis
Di Ciuccio Maurizio
{K:57398} 6/9/2004
mi attrae molto questo stile di foto..molto piacevole l'effetto delle gocce sul vetro..ciao rafael..buona serata
Paul's Photos
{K:35235} 6/9/2004
like the mood... it would have been great if you could have opened the aperture and got the cathedral in focus also.. great shot
Burak Tanriover
{K:16610} 6/9/2004
it looks beautiful,the mood is great,regards
Predrag Sudar
{K:5075} 6/9/2004
On beautifull blue Danube :)) Congrats, Rafael! Great photo, great rainy atmosphere!