In Transit
{K:29432} 6/29/2004
Para Charlie F. Kohn: Last April there was three days of heavy rain... with mud over one's boots... then snow... But trust not in Augusto! Vaya con Dios!
charlie f. kohn
{K:25919} 6/29/2004
dear in transit, a very interesting, surprising and creative capture of the camino. a most unusual view. looks like the best of artists' traditions, characterize by a few strokes to make distinguishable. very good. we have not been in contact for a long time because i had to refrain of the uf-exchange board due to a lot of other engagements. this and similar impressions i am looking forward to when in august we will join the trail for a week through the pyrenees on the spanish side. regards charlie.f.kohn@sixpence-pictures.com // madrid
thank you for your interesting comment on 'light of insight'
Jose Ignacio (Nacho) Garcia Barcia
{K:96391} 6/27/2004
wonderful composition. 7
giorgio ruffinengo
{K:10623} 6/9/2004
I love this photo the clouds look like a mantle!! very nice also for me is a big pleasure to meet you!! ciao g.
Peggy Christine Skinner
{K:26936} 6/8/2004
This really caught my eye as I have one of John Graves Simcoe that is very similar. Well done!
Maya Bylina
{K:5925} 6/8/2004
You showed good fragment!
Mary Vareli
{K:15826} 6/8/2004
hmmm the clouds agree... nice!
Carmem A. Busko
{K:48785} 6/5/2004
Very impressive capture!When I saw the miniature, I didn?t expected that! Congrats!Carmem
In Transit
{K:29432} 6/3/2004
Ciao Francesca! il mio italiano existant di no... ma email della latta voi le pił informazioni se desiderate...
{K:4659} 6/3/2004
Scusami se scrivo in italiano. Stai percorrendo, o hai percorso, il cammino di Santiago? Ti invidio tanto! E' un grandissimo desiderio poterlo fare. Bellissima e significativa l'immagine. Ciao Francesca