nope, I never use auto levels. The only way that I can correct images is by looking at the histogram (the mountains in the levels box) for each channel - the reg, green and blue. You slide the sliders for highlights and shadows to the first mountain in each direction, for each channel, and this will spread each channle through the entire tonal range, as well as taking out any color casts. As you slide the highlights and shadows, watch you image and you will see how the color tone is affected, eventually you will be able to immediatly look at an image and know exactly what color to add to fix the images white balance. For you image I added the opposite color of the cast - red, to negate the overly blue tones.
Thanks Chris You are right about the blue cast. I tried PS autolevels to remove it but the effect was too extreme. Your example is a better attempt. Was that using autolevels or is there a better method?