Margaret Sturgess
{K:49403} 6/22/2004
Linn Just had to add my congratulations on your 'butterfly' it is really splended - well done Margaret
Peggy Christine Skinner
{K:26936} 6/18/2004
Wow, this is stunning Linn. The colours, the two large bluish/purple circles just glow. The browns are so soft and velvety. Love the sharpness of the purple flower by its head. This is an amazing first capture.
Jeff Cartwright
{K:52046} 6/12/2004
Hi!...Linn: Well Done, Right Butterfly!... Excellent Capture!..Nice Sharp Image!!! Jeff.
Hey!...Mickey Say's that is My Chair you Know!...Thank you Linn! For Love of Cat's...Jeff!!!
Jimmy Payne
{K:21163} 6/6/2004
A natural beauty, Linn. Excellent photography.
Graham Mulrooney
{K:15728} 6/2/2004
Lovely colourful shot Linn and it suits the square format perfectly. Focus is good but I think a shallower DOF (using f/2.8) would have blurred the background more. Its definately a butterfly as can be seen by bobbles on the feelers. Moths feelers are sharp at the end. Regards, Graham.
Linn Currie
{K:24426} 5/31/2004
Mark - what a great compliment and I thank you :-)
I think you can imagine the excitement I felt when I got the images? :-)) I love these "firsts" experiences :-)
Kristina Kohut
{K:49990} 5/31/2004
Aaah haha a REAL butterfly?! Well, I loved the non real one too, but I guess this means more to you then. Congratulations for a wonderful butterfly debut!
Mark Beltran
{K:32612} 5/31/2004
While this photograph can be in any scientific journal or magazine, it goes a step further because of its artistic qualities. I like how you included some details in the background, and in keeping certain plants recognizeable. That gives us an idea of this animal's natural surroundings. Really good work, Linn!
Ozjan Yeshar
{K:15239} 5/30/2004
Excellent shot Linn and do not make it your last one. :) Cheers.
{K:16125} 5/30/2004
well done...=)) yeah it looks like one to me!!
Linn Currie
{K:24426} 5/30/2004
Thanks Arwa. No, all the images are individual ones, handheld and each one was individually focusses ...and of course tracking the butterfly all the time :-)
Johnny K
{K:12635} 5/30/2004
Nice capture for your first one !!
arwa abdullah
{K:34415} 5/30/2004
WOW well done!!! Did u set the camera on continues shots mood so u can get the image looking this way? Wonderful butterfly linn :)
Robert Currie
{K:3241} 5/30/2004
Linn, here is proof that it is a butterfly. In this (not very good image) you can see its rolled-up proboscis or sucking organ.
 Butterfly mouth |
Bill Webster
{K:1669} 5/30/2004
Linn, Nice shot...too bad the BG is clutter a bit. But with B.flys you have to take em as you get em. Best, Bill
Linn Currie
{K:24426} 5/30/2004
Dear Alex, I am not being modest, I am proud as punch! Obviously, it is not in the same class as the other super duper macro shots of my peers, but for me, with the camera/lens I have, I am soooo proud to have captured this :-))
It would have been great to have shot it at an angle, but I am not complaining too much. She co-operated and spread her wings beautifully, and I am satisfied :-)
Thank you for your kind comments - much much much appreciated :-)
Regards Linn
Alex Teller
{K:8286} 5/30/2004
Beautiful, splendid, excellent! Stunning colors! A first class macro masterpiece! Don't be modest, please! You deserve my heartfelt compliments and I am delighted to offer them. Alex
Maria Luisa Vial
{K:36017} 5/30/2004
WOW!!!! Grat picture Linn... Love the details and colors... Great DOF!!!!
To be your first... it's great!!!!
Amna Al Shamsi
{K:21795} 5/30/2004
Anne Bogardus
{K:2875} 5/30/2004
This is just beautiful. What wonderful colors! Amazing capture.
Regards, Anne
Guido Tweepenninckx
{K:20076} 5/29/2004
mooie vlinder,Linn
of is het een mot? lol
John Loreaux
{K:86210} 5/29/2004
For Your first real butterfly the is real....ly a great capture Linn! I was sitting on my porch today watching the butterflies and realizing how patient You have to be to photograph one, so this is very impressive! My best,JOHN
Gayle's Eclectic Photos
{K:91109} 5/29/2004
Congrats! You sure picked a beauty for your first..DOF/lighting/floral interest and position of butterfly are all executed very well,Linn..thanks for sharing ..regards,gayle
Teunis Haveman
{K:53426} 5/29/2004
Linn, WOW beautiful Butterfly Nice colour Teunis
Maria José Barres
{K:11276} 5/29/2004
Yes it is. It is not a moth!!!!!!!!!!!Good work.
Linn Currie
{K:24426} 5/29/2004
Ilona, a while ago, I was so proud to post an image of my first "butterfly" but then it was pointed out that it was in fact a hairy moth! Big joke :-)
So when I got this one today, I was so happy, even though it is not a great shot, but finally I did get to photograph one :-)
xxxIlonaxxxx xxxxKrijgsmanxxxx
{K:10405} 5/29/2004
wow..and a good one for your first....I tried many times...but it is not easy to catch them in the position you want...but this is excellent....