It's exactlie 16.45 and 10 seconds in the afternoon of 9 of May.I saw a horse flying...lots of things come to my mind. 1 - I thought this is surreal...i stop and just stay tehre looking up...just like a art director I use to work with. times a day he would smoke joints ( weed, pot whatever you call wanst cigarretes because that doesnt put you in jail)When he was withouyt inspiration he used to go ( totalie stoned ) to a chandelier Shoop in a shooping mall nearby. He would stop at the window shop and look at the Louis xvII imitations. All taht glitter would make jim have ideas...well thats advertising for you guys! 2 - This hors has something...looks like a cover from pink floyd. So that birngs me back my brother and is friends. I remember they use to look for diferences in a the cover of Pink floyd Album - Animals. The portuguese version and the UK version. well as far as i knwo they werent under any substance...But in this album there is a song that is very aporpriate to this ballon festival. Pigs on the Wing (Part 1) If you didn't care what happened to me And I didn't care for you We would zig zag our way through the boredom and pain Occasionally glancing up through the rain Wondering which of the buggers to blame And watching for pigs on the wing
muito boa, esta foto. Mostra bem como a arte da fotografia está muito mais em saber apanhar o momento do que no equipamento. Gosto muito do teu texto também. Obrigado pelo teu comentario sobre a minha foto das Azenhas do Mar.