Kristina Kohut
{K:49990} 6/1/2004
This is so sweet! The birds are in poses that really gives a strong and nice story to a beautiful photo! Lovely and well composed photo, and very good colours!
edmond lisy
{K:10311} 5/27/2004
Simple but great composition ~
Gustavo Eulalio
{K:3777} 5/26/2004
Hi Hugo. I tried a bit more sharpening, but didn't like the result. I thought it looked a bit too artificial, too edited. So a left a softer image, however more natural-looking.
Hugo de Wolf
{K:185110} 5/25/2004
D Great work, Gustavo! IMO, the colour does add an additional interest to this shot. The unsharpen mask increases the quality of this shot, but I believe you could've used a tad more... Needless to say, I like this one. Very well composed!
August Retrosesos
{K:1439} 5/25/2004
excelente gustavo.A
Maria José Barres
{K:11276} 5/25/2004
I like in colour! nice composition. Regards.