Jula Amore
{K:2823} 9/26/2010
Thanks for your comment..^_^
Mirek Towski
{K:14880} 9/26/2010
I may be odd, but honestly I don't see here any ground breaking achievements in the field of photography. Congratulations on the award! I only wish the editors would give some brief paragraph why they choose this image.
M jalili
{K:69009} 3/10/2009
Really a very beautiful work . REgards .........
Malules Fernandez
{K:54810} 3/9/2009
Love this minimalist work!! Excellent..7 ciao! Malules
{K:70138} 1/1/2008
Thanks for your comment Jula. Wish you a great 2008 too !!
fokstrot .
{K:6560} 4/4/2007
Nothing to add here. Fantastic!
Saikat (Boney) Das
{K:2493} 1/12/2007
great texture....lovely
Aykaan K
{K:13601} 10/15/2006
excellente idée.. superbe photo... félicitations...
Maurizio Massetti
{K:30463} 5/22/2006
Il titolo e' triste, ispira solitudine e malinconia... anche l'esecuzione, nel suo minimalismo di forme e colori, rivela uno stato di bisogno, o forse una necessita'. Spero che si tratti soltanto di uno scatto artistico e non di una situazione contingente... in ogni caso lo vedrei meglio in toni b/n che rendono il tutto ancora piu' angosciante, che sia vero o no...
Oui Lee
{K:3238} 4/4/2006
Fantástica imagen por su sencillez y por la combinación de texturas.
{K:10535} 11/21/2005
Keith Ruddell
{K:3570} 5/30/2005
You have such great concepts in your shots.. you must be a very smart woman !! Beautiful shot here.
Andrea Falqui
{K:5787} 5/8/2005
Molto bella. Semplice, raffinata. La composizione č ottima, l'effetto č notevole. Ciao e grazie per il tuo commento gentile alla mia immagine. A.
Jeanette Hägglund
{K:59855} 9/20/2004
Very nice shot and title.
corey Armpriester
{K:99} 8/8/2004
Paolo Sciacca
{K:1351} 7/14/2004
Kimmy Magino
{K:2457} 7/3/2004
Viva la semplicita' se e' presentata come hai fatto tu. Bravo! Kimmy
Maria Luisa Vial
{K:36017} 6/30/2004
Really excellent Jula... The composition is just perfect.... A very well deserved editor's choice... I am very happy for you... Congratulations!!!!!
xy x
{K:41915} 5/14/2004
Congratulations for deserved "Editor's choice", I'm very glad for you my dear!
Erik Silva Sobral
{K:318} 5/11/2004
Hey.. good textures and collors!!! I like that...
Roberto Arcari Farinetti
{K:209486} 5/9/2004
una fantastica e struggente composizione.. complimenti anche per l' EC! roby 7
{K:10691} 5/8/2004
stupenda.... walt.
Ozjan Yeshar
{K:15239} 5/8/2004
Brilliant prospective and great simple shot. Cheers Jula.
Yoshi Enoki Jr
{K:3021} 5/8/2004
Hmmmmm I like it. Love the wall.
{K:5884} 5/7/2004
Finalmente JUla! Bentornata. Una foto semplicemente splendida per sottolineare il tuo rientro. Un bacio affettuoso.
xy x
{K:41915} 5/7/2004
Marvelous background and excellent cropping a part of the chair, splendid idea, great lines and beautiful colours and contrast, perfect composed, congrats! Hi dear Jula, so long time..:)...I am very well, hope you too, wish you much pleasant time and a lot of fun, a warm regards!
john amore
{K:14015} 5/7/2004
Dear Julia where have you been ? I missed you Yes thats a cousin his is name is TAD that was a lone time ago We had his older brother's wedding last Sat it was a Beach wedding you would have loved it.. you lastest photo is a smiple and complex photo at the same time soft tender lighting you did a very good job of getting it just right bravo Uncle J
marcus claésson
{K:601} 5/7/2004
Simple and lovely, nice capture!
Mário Sousa
{K:16985} 5/7/2004
excellent image
Leonardo Bosnia
{K:4053} 5/7/2004
Splendida composizione, sobria e d'effetto!
Bellissima la texsture dello sfondo....
Un'immagine particolare da un'artista formidabile.
Gayle's Eclectic Photos
{K:91109} 5/7/2004
This is a 7 because it is simple,strong and soft (wood chair/lace),composed superbly, has warm lighting and i think this would be perfect to hang in dining room,or kitchen because it is creative AND different!!!It would be a great conversation starter...just love it!...ciao,gayle
Fabio Keiner
{K:81109} 5/7/2004
I simply love it can't help! :)