Murat Harmanlikli
{K:7846} 6/30/2004
Hi, Karl You have an excellent portfolio.. Best Regards..
zosia zija
{K:11106} 5/28/2004
very good
Andi Ionita
{K:765} 5/3/2004
Great. Regrads, Andi
{K:9693} 5/3/2004
excellent!! very good composition, I like it. it has great textures and tones, and is great the idea of cutting his face. I don't know why you did it, but is a interesting composition that way. cheers
Murat Harmanlikli
{K:7846} 5/3/2004
Aira Manna
{K:11187} 5/3/2004
excellent, spooky & intriguing mood + a very clever cut: well done!
Amit Chakravarty
{K:2197} 5/3/2004
excellent work .... :-)
**** *****
{K:9527} 5/3/2004
Very nice composition!
Fabio Keiner
{K:81109} 5/3/2004
hitchcock war ein waisenknabe dagegen :)
Jeanette Hägglund
{K:59855} 5/3/2004
Interesting, a bit Hitchcook alike. Jeanette