This is from a series of images I am working on concerning the landscape, a new topographical landscape with a juxtaposition of man made structures and discarded or found items encroaching with nature and vice versa, many have a frustrating tension in them, I hope its also felt by the is still a work in progress...
This landscape is almost a bit too moody... ;-) No seriously, this photo is really too dark. I'm not sure what I'm looking at.. I see some kind of shed surrounded by trees and a house in the background. I assume the shed is starting too fall apart and/or the trees are overgrowing the shed, so it's indeed a very suitable subject for your new series. Maybe you should try to isolate an element of this shed where the tension between nature and the building is clearly visible. Try to keep the composition simple, so the message you try to make clear to the viewer is easier to recognize. Are you going to post your series on usefilm? I'm looking forward to it. Regards, Tim