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Homo Neo-Romanticus
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Image Title:  Homo Neo-Romanticus
Favorites: 0 
 By: Mary Vareli  
  Copyright ©2004

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Photographer Mary Vareli  Mary Vareli {Karma:15826}
Project #25 Characters Camera Model Minolta X700
Categories Portrait
Film Format
Portfolio Separation Syndrome
Lens Minolta 50mm
Uploaded 4/23/2004 Film / Memory Type Lexar  1GB
    ISO / Film Speed 16
Views 764 Shutter
Favorites Aperture f/
Critiques 15 Rating
/ 10 Ratings
Location City -  Athens
State - 
Country - Greece   Greece
About The romantic person is a victim and a victimizer of himself, excess characterizes him and he is condemned to fight eternally between the harmony and the deformity, the nostalgia of lace and the extremism. The romantic type of person is prompted by sentiment more than by reason, the latter as a characteristic belongs in the type of realist. The impression that will predominate when a romantic person has stimuli from the "outside" world is the sentiment; this drowns him and leads to melancholy as the everyday routine is not a fairy tale. The realist is more practical. If the romantic person manages to opt for not experiencing the negative parts of his nature and direct this sensitivity to art, then the outcome is marvellous and leads to a life full of internal beauty. Many people defined Romanticism in the 18th and 19th century combining it with a return to antiquity, nevertheless the philosophical school of Jena gave it a substance that matches all art and philosophy movements of the 20th century, bringing the matter to a modern basis.
by Mary Vareli

(I think I need to print this photo again in FB, The grey tones were not printed so well, what do you say? This is plastic paper)
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There are 15 Comments in 1 Pages
Mihaela Duta Mihaela Duta   {K:196} 3/21/2005
You have a very original eye! I like your portfolio!



I say you are a sweet heart :-)


Joshua Rainey   {K:5069} 10/9/2004
Such a great picture. I love your portfolio in general and I'm looking forward to seeing more and more amazing pics from such a great photographer...


Tom Ross   {K:6453} 8/7/2004
I agree, perfect symmetry. A slight hint of motion but more so...emotion.


W. B.   {K:177} 5/24/2004
We are little better than clairvoyant puppets at times petulant...a cryptic convergence of anatomy and anxiety, shadows of a departing divinity in a theater of incidental gestures.


Mary Vareli Mary Vareli   {K:15826} 4/28/2004
And something else, I agree with what you called 'arithmetic chemical' reaction. it is arithmetic, perfect symmetry, new gates and shadows coming from everywhere, all clear.


Mary Vareli Mary Vareli   {K:15826} 4/28/2004
Dear In Transit,
you must reveal the secret of your... flow to all of us... I want too!!
Oh, what is "i.e.MSP" as you said? I am really curious to find!
My "about" will emerge to you when it is time...if this ever happens.
Thank you for your kind words!


In Transit In Transit   {K:29432} 4/28/2004
This viewer being a bit thick between his ears... and slow to rise... has a difficult time placing the capture with the 'About'... but be it as it may... the capture offers intrigue for the eye... and allows one to wander and wonder... towards the Romantic and beyond... with possible or rather probable i.e.MSP which has been coined for it is certainly 'arithmetic chemical' reaction of a very basic sort.


Aira Manna Aira Manna   {K:11187} 4/28/2004
love this pose, so natural and a little retro' - u did very well on this!


Mary Vareli Mary Vareli   {K:15826} 4/26/2004
thanx for the comment, yes maybe I should crop you are right, though I like this shadow.


Carlheinz Bayer   {K:14220} 4/25/2004
Awesome. I love the composition, the crop and especially the POF. To have her out of focus adds some mystery to the scene. Great mood. Very inspring. I would crop a bit from the left to get rid of the shadow. Good work! Carlheinz


kathleen fonseca   {K:11992} 4/25/2004
how very intriguing..she is so like a child, hunched over her knees, adjusting her shoes, her toes turned in like a school girl, her hair parted in the middle and pinned back on each side, gleaming waves spill across her cheeks, skirt demurely perched just at the edge of her touching, so childlike..until i get to the cigarette and i'm jolted right out of my own thought process...huh? what? but how?? i sputter...a cigarette????? lots of irony in this one, Mary...your written text notwithstanding which doesn't mean too much to me this time..the image is well done, the softness is fitting..i like it. kat~


Mary Vareli Mary Vareli   {K:15826} 4/24/2004
Dear James,
thank you for your kind words. I have studied literature and I had this tendency from an early age. This, along with hard practice, makes an outcome which I try to improve not always agreeing with myself. Other people have this with mathematics (for which I am at a loss..(laughs)). You do the same with your images, they have an "expressive harmony" equal to writing , mathematics and other arts which use "layers" of words, images, figures or objects to create a harmonious effect, an oucome that has a certain meaning based on analogy.
I went further to my personal theories about the consistency of "reality" discovering these "layers" to everyday interactions of
real evets.
Example: 2 people argue next to a tree. Layers= 1. The one person
2.The other person
3.The tree
4. Anger (or other elements of inner self, hard to define.)
5. 6. etc refering to previous experiences, family and country ethics background etc
All layers form an arithmetic chemical outcome based on impressions.They are different for every person in every interaction. Most layers are invisible to the eye but real. Even a combination of colors is a layer. To dissolve negative elemets or impressions (which give birth to other layers) is a life goal. Dissolving them one can keep facts only, or the beauty of his choices of layers, which is his real inner self the way he wants it to be.

blue kisses,

(I just added "blue" to our interaction)


Gertrud Gozner   {K:14222} 4/23/2004
nice moment!!


James Philip Pegg James Philip Pegg   {K:10138} 4/23/2004
Mary, I love your writting, I wish that I could put my thoughts down as well as you. I do in my photography and art. I like this photo, it remines me of a dancer, a Isadora style.

Warmly, James




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