Margaret Sturgess
{K:49403} 9/28/2005
Fabulous perspective, very creative composition, like it a lot Margaret
Igor Sivjakov
{K:4671} 9/9/2005
Interesting view to St Paul! Good one! Cheers, Igor
Emma James
{K:162} 4/11/2004
I also love the slight softness around the dome, it gives the cathedral a 'holy' glow. :-)
Emma James
{K:162} 4/11/2004
I love the composition of this photo! The colours are great, especially the BLUE sky (not grey) ;). The definition in the bricks is brilliant. The contrast of the red of the bricks is great.
Yoshi Enoki Jr
{K:3021} 3/14/2004
Wow. Is this the back side?
Hugo de Wolf
{K:185110} 3/13/2004
... towards the millenium bridge and Tate modern... (I guess) Excellent perspective, Derek! The people in the alley are a perfect touch... As the weather is kind of grey, the contrast is quite dull, but that'll change soon enough, I hope. Well done,
Paul's Photos
{K:35235} 3/13/2004
nice view and perspective.. good work
mikko reim
{K:10} 3/13/2004
very cool shot. great work.
Jeroen Krol
{K:3085} 3/13/2004
Nice angle of view and good composition!