{K:5996} 10/1/2004
Ivan Jimenez
{K:9078} 9/27/2004
I know... I know I inspired you, with the lights and with my constant nagging in want of better pictures and effort at that other place. In the end I gave up, this is why it makes me double happy to see you here.
Rea Zambo
{K:68} 9/27/2004
my second favourite.. actually im sure you know you inspired me a lot with the lights you use.. beautiful.
Diego Ruggiero
{K:10659} 7/19/2004
what a great light and atmosphere. Really a good job.
Ivan Jimenez
{K:9078} 7/15/2004
When I was 9 my mother found my stack of playboy magazines and threw them out the window. Instead, she bought me a suscription to National Geographic and I caught the travel bug. Like you I make my living by doing what I like most. Well, at least I thought so, until I discovered your portfolio... ;-)
{K:17069} 7/14/2004
Man. u have been all over the world.. Imprssive portfolio u got, my friend...
Love the fiery colors.
ppdix says 7
Paula Goddard
{K:8492} 7/13/2004
lovely, moody photo! cograts!
{K:42404} 3/28/2004
David Siller
{K:1317} 3/19/2004
Veri nice composition and light, excelent mood... Congrats...
Burak Tanriover
{K:16610} 3/18/2004
very good lighting and composition.
Kenzo Fujimoto
{K:165} 3/15/2004
Beauty warm colours, excellent lighting and details, perfect composition! Great! Thank you for your comments to my photos.
Roger Cotgreave
{K:15892} 3/12/2004
very good..r
Timothy R
{K:3028} 3/11/2004
I like the compostion and balance on this photo. Havings a person at the bottom of the photo adds interest to it. Imagine this shot with out it. From even how it is displayed on the web, there are details in the black wall. I imagine printed directly from the shot, there would be more. The black walls draw my eyes to the lighted area. I'm giving it all top marks.
Paul's Photos
{K:35235} 3/11/2004
nice.. would have cropped the right as well..
Jake Johnson
{K:239} 3/11/2004
beautiful, beautiful lighting wouldnt change anything. it almost feels like its a ancient tomb or something very interesting
Shady Janzeir
{K:23} 3/11/2004
Beautiful, engulfing mood! I would've cropped out the right-hand black wall, though. But still excellently mysterious.
Maria Annastasia
{K:18} 3/11/2004
This is a wonderful photo Ivan!! I remember this one...from U know where! ;o) Congratulations to you! You certainly deserve it. You have talent and great potential. I hope to see more!! )
Joshua Rainey
{K:5069} 3/11/2004
Such an awesome photo of the day. Congrats...
Carlos Brando
{K:4637} 3/11/2004
linda foto. parabéns!
Saintz Saintz2
{K:11250} 3/11/2004
Bella foto ma anche a me "Disturba" l'eccessivo nero sulla destra... Comunque ho provato a ritagliarla in un'altro modo per eliminare il nero .. ma l'originale rimane la migliore ... Complimenti
Shiv Kumar Surya
{K:17362} 3/11/2004
Excellent. Very beautiful. Congratulation. Regars.
Salvo Valenti
{K:17038} 3/11/2004
Ivan Jimenez
{K:9078} 3/11/2004
POD!!! What an honour.. my first!... Whoever is responsible for this gets my most sincere thanks.
Benedetto Riba
{K:15792} 3/11/2004
Congrats for deseved POD, great photo.!!!! Regards.
Ivan Jimenez
{K:9078} 3/11/2004
Interesting... nobody seems to appreciate the fact that all the black in the right balances the weight of the light on the left...
Am I so off in thinking this is an interesting composition? ;-)
Murat Tanriover
{K:8387} 3/11/2004
Excellent lighting and great shot Ivan. I would have cropped just a little bit from the right side.
Roy V
{K:13082} 3/10/2004
Ivan , Strong and Beautiful! Excellent framing, exposure and mood. Great Work, Roy
Kevin H
{K:22502} 3/10/2004
Love the mood you get from this picture. The lighting is perfect and love the silhouette of the man. I would just zoom in a little bit to eliminate all of the black in the picture. Good job!! Kevin