Ildiko Watson
{K:36} 5/21/2004
nagyon birom a Melcsit itt. Ha hazamegyek Gertrud engem is meg kell portretaljon, legyen mit tenni a nem letezö versesköteteim hatlapjara (lira a tus alatt, vagy horkolo fecskek, meg gondolkodom). Latszik hogy fenyekben utazol Gert. na ugy fel lelkesedtem, ha lesz idöm en is felteszem a röhelyes konceptualis tojasaimat.
Ildiko Watson
{K:36} 5/21/2004
en nagzon birom a Melcsit itt. ha haya megzek engem is meg kell portretaljon a Gertrud! Latszik h. vilagitasokban utazol! na ugy elvezem, h. hogyha lesz idöm majd en is felteszm a röhelyes es konceptualis tojasaimat.
Irma Vep
{K:1480} 4/21/2004
beautiful and unusual
Paula Goddard
{K:8492} 3/17/2004
I love this. But in fact I like all your portraits. They are very sensitive, expressive and delicate. Thank you for your commment on my self portrait. I feel honoured you like it! :-) Do you actually live in Transylvania? Wonderful place, been there several times!
Stefan Engström
{K:24473} 3/16/2004
I like the ambiguous look on her face. Nicely captured.
{K:30945} 3/9/2004
I love this portrait. Love the B&W. and the mood of emotions here. Thank you dear Gertrud ;-) Kiss, biliana
{K:1984} 3/8/2004
excellent portrait. lighting and framing is very good. congratulations:)
Andriete Paris
{K:2381} 3/8/2004
So beautiful portrait... I like very much the tones and composition. Congrats.
Jeanette Hägglund
{K:59855} 3/8/2004
Very interesting and I like this composition and the sephia match as well. No, but not a secret. She "says" look here... /Jeanette