Hola Anna! q tal!!! intento enviarte un mail... pero diu q no xuta... el meu mail es derek.dixon@terra.es a casa o derek.dixon@sonicon.co.uk el del treball, envia al dos ja q el del treball es el miro mes, pero es un mica sensible...
Derek? ets tu? el que estudiaves a Olot? Sóc l'Anna Paretas!, si ets tu et deixo el meu mail annapedrete@yahoo.es, si no ho ets perdona, tot i que no m'entendràs!
Hi Derek, Good to notice youre back...:) Nice shot, with a very pleasing atmosphere. The subtle colour changes in the seabed are beautiful and the rocks in the distance create quite a protected atmosphere. I would consider either cloning out or cropping off the yachts in the distance, though. They are somewhat distracting. Even though they make this shot a bit more lively, it takes the attention away from the beautiful patterns in the colours of the sea. Nice shot, sure brings back memories...:)