Craig, I think you hit it, in your comment about my "tree." Now that I look at it again I can see some slight splaying of the verticals as if I had pointed the camera slightly up. Yet the deeper colours and the interest are down there in the pond reflection. I don't often get to this park, but I intend to visit it again this spring, and will try again then. Thanks a lot! Might try with the 21mm lens, too, which would cover a wider angle...
Difficult, Craig. Looking at this one, and not recalling the earlier version, I would have said crop away some of that foreground (maybe my built-in preference for panorama format speaking). But when I looked at the other version, I saw that was what you had done, and somehow I preferred this version. I definitely like the trees at both ends of the frame. Perhaps just a little less grass? You would want to keep the contrast given by those long shadows, so not MUCH less. Maybe a little less sky above the peak, too? But then I'm edging back to panorama format... I'd value your opinion on my recent "tree with reflection" shot, Craig. It's a real favourite of mine but doesn't seem to be ringing any bells, and I wonder what the problem is.